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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
Volume 67, Page 477   View pdf image (33K)
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                                 In4ez.                   477
         Black (Blake), John, London        In penal sum, 6o.   Bowdle; see Bowdell.
            merchant, 444, 445.             Not to sue, 284.    Bowen, Gethin [sic], 236.
         Bla[c]kiston, John; see Table      Of arbitration, 420.     Bowling, James, 236.
            of Cases.       To administer truly, 9, 98,    Bozman (Blozman), John, 370,
          Nehemiah, attorney, xiii, 1,       216, 285-286.    372.
            6o, 8g, 245, 251, 291, 322,     To appear and answer suit,     William, 370.
            340, 375, 377, 388, 436, 437,    443.     Bradley, Henry, Justice of Dor
            446; see also Table of Cases.   To convey parcel of land, 163,        chester County, 356.
         Blacksmith; see Smith.              270.     Bradnox, Mary, Mrs. Thomas,
         Blagg, Abraham; see Table of       To deliver man servant, 377.     xxvi.
            Cases.          To deliver pipe staves, 258.    Capt. Thomas, xxvi.
         Blake; see Black.  To deliver poplar plank, 161-  Branding of animals, 234.
         Blakiston; see Blackiston.          162.     Brandt, Randall: see Table of
         [Bland,] Damoris [( )              To execute improvements on       Cases; Brent, Brendt; Ran
            Wyat, Mrs. Thomas]; see          dwelling house, 160-161.        dolph, Randall or any com
            Table of Cases; Wyat,           To execute the office of High    bination thereof.
            Nicholas.        Sheriff, 17.   Brantry hoes, 33.
          Thomas, 420; see also Table       To fulfill agreements of con- Bread, Price of, 178.
            of Cases.        veyance, 203.  Bricklayer (workman), 409.
          Thomas, attorney, 22, 343,        To indemnify, 57, 132-133,    Bright, Thomas; see Table of
            454.             216, 286, 442.    Cases.
         Blanford, Tobitha ( )              To pay costs, 181,  Brightwell, Richard; see Table
            Mills, 423.     To pay tobacco, 19, 218, 311,     of Cases.
         Blangy, Lewis, 141: see also        312, 378.     Broad arrow, Use of [to mark
            Table of Cases. To prosecute an appeal from       the Proprietary's goods],
          Mary, Mrs. Lewis, 141.             a county court, 22.
              ____________                     344, 345, 347, 348.
          Mary [( ) Wells   To prosecute a replevin, 141,   Illegality of, for private per-
            Bennett] Mrs. Lewis, ex-         234.        son, xviii, 348.
            trx.; see Table of Cases;       To prosecute a suit, 44, Broad Creek, Calvert County,
            Wells, Tobias, dec'd; Ben-      To prosecute writ of error,
            net, Disborough, dec'd.          354; see also Recognizance.     423, 424; see also Tothays
         Bleeke, Edwa., Baltimore Coun- Bonner, Henry, of Charles         Broadcloth, Value of, 35.
            ty merchant; see Table of        County; see Table of Cases.
            Cases.          Attorney, 89, 236, 249, 286.   Brooke, Baker, surveyor gen
          admr., 335; see also Seayre,       Bookkeeper, Employment of,    eral and justice, Xj, 1, 103,
            Joseph, deceased.                   259.   109, 235, 311, 370, 451.
         Bleeke, Edward, & Co. (Lou-         Books and papers, Request for     John, Dorchester County chi
            don merchants) ; see Table          return of, 247.  rurgeon, and justice, 181,
            of Cases.      Booth, John, servant, xxvi, 420.      191, 356; see also Table of
         Blomfeild, John, attorney, 144,     Bonvile, Amos; see Table of   Cases.
            272, 327, 354; see also Table       Cases.     John, admr., xxviii, 6; see
            of Cases.      Boquetenorton [Hundred], Som-    also Table of Cases; Wor
          attorney and clerk of the Pro-        erset County, 379.    gan, Wm., dec'd.
            vincial Court, xii, xiii, 1,     Boston, Samuel, deceased, sher-   Robert, of Calvert County,
            88, 90, 91, 199, 325; see also      if of Baltimore County, 37,     deceased, 424.
            Table of Cases.                     47, 331; see also Mills,  Roger, of Calvert County, 423
         Bloyes, Tho:, 370, 372.                James, exr.     Roger, exr.; see Table of
                                               Cases; Keene, Edwd., de
         Blozman; see Bozman.               Boteler, Charles, attorney, 53,
         Boarne [Bourne], Samuel, of   77, 88, 89, 115, 133, 157, Brooke Court Manor, Calvert
            Calvert County, 316.               170, 171, 172, 175, 178, 184,      County, xxii-xxiii, 422, 423,
         Boat, Replevin of, 142.               193, 196, 245, 247, 250, 251,      424; see also Aquasco.
         Boatwright, 133.     256, 257, 258, 259, 316, 325.     Brookes; see Brooke.
         Bodkin, Dominick, 18; see also        436.   Browne, David; see Table of
            Table of Cases.                  Deputy surveyor of Calvert      Cases.
          Dominick, fItz James, de-            County, 97, 103-104, 131,   Edwd; see Table of Cases.
            ceased, 214, 306; see also         234, 235, 418, 451 ; see also    if rancis, xxvi, 226.
            Rozer, Benja, admr.                Table of Cases.   George; see Table of Cases.

         Bolton, Enock; see Table of        Botler; see Boteler.      James, [of Cecil County], de
            Cases.         Boughton, Richard; see Table       ceased, xxxiii, 244, 245, 246,
         Bond, Alice [( )     of Cases.        247; see also Archives,
            Drury], Mrs. Peter; see         Boundary tree, Inability to find,     LXVI, 136-137, 288.
            Table of Cases.                    xxiii, 104, 235, 451.  John, of Salem in New Eng
          Peter; see Table of Cases.        Boundary trees, Oak. red, 308,        land, xxxii-xxxiv, 244-247.
          Richard; see Table of Cases.         452; Oak, white, 307, 368, Bull, Captain, 9.
         Bond, Assignment of, 9, 52, 56,       370, 372; Pine, 368, 370, 372.   Capt. John, (merchant), 334.
            164, 216, 401, 421, 430.        Bowdell (Bowdle), Thomas, of  Bullock, John, of St. Mary s
          Cancellation and delivery of,        Talbot County, 226, 316;      County, marksman, 219,
            312, 313, 421.    sec also Table of Cases.        220.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
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