Volume 67, Page 477 View pdf image (33K) |
In4ez. 477 Black (Blake), John, London In penal sum, 6o. Bowdle; see Bowdell. merchant, 444, 445. Not to sue, 284. Bowen, Gethin [sic], 236. Bla[c]kiston, John; see Table Of arbitration, 420. Bowling, James, 236. of Cases. To administer truly, 9, 98, Bozman (Blozman), John, 370, Nehemiah, attorney, xiii, 1, 216, 285-286. 372. 6o, 8g, 245, 251, 291, 322, To appear and answer suit, William, 370. 340, 375, 377, 388, 436, 437, 443. Bradley, Henry, Justice of Dor 446; see also Table of Cases. To convey parcel of land, 163, chester County, 356. Blacksmith; see Smith. 270. Bradnox, Mary, Mrs. Thomas, Blagg, Abraham; see Table of To deliver man servant, 377. xxvi. Cases. To deliver pipe staves, 258. Capt. Thomas, xxvi. Blake; see Black. To deliver poplar plank, 161- Branding of animals, 234. Blakiston; see Blackiston. 162. Brandt, Randall: see Table of [Bland,] Damoris [( ) To execute improvements on Cases; Brent, Brendt; Ran Wyat, Mrs. Thomas]; see dwelling house, 160-161. dolph, Randall or any com Table of Cases; Wyat, To execute the office of High bination thereof. Nicholas. Sheriff, 17. Brantry hoes, 33. Thomas, 420; see also Table To fulfill agreements of con- Bread, Price of, 178. of Cases. veyance, 203. Bricklayer (workman), 409. Thomas, attorney, 22, 343, To indemnify, 57, 132-133, Bright, Thomas; see Table of 454. 216, 286, 442. Cases. Blanford, Tobitha ( ) To pay costs, 181, Brightwell, Richard; see Table Mills, 423. To pay tobacco, 19, 218, 311, of Cases. Blangy, Lewis, 141: see also 312, 378. Broad arrow, Use of [to mark Table of Cases. To prosecute an appeal from the Proprietary's goods], Mary, Mrs. Lewis, 141. a county court, 22. ____________ 344, 345, 347, 348. Mary [( ) Wells To prosecute a replevin, 141, Illegality of, for private per- Bennett] Mrs. Lewis, ex- 234. son, xviii, 348. trx.; see Table of Cases; To prosecute a suit, 44, Broad Creek, Calvert County, Wells, Tobias, dec'd; Ben- To prosecute writ of error, net, Disborough, dec'd. 354; see also Recognizance. 423, 424; see also Tothays Creek. Bleeke, Edwa., Baltimore Coun- Bonner, Henry, of Charles Broadcloth, Value of, 35. ty merchant; see Table of County; see Table of Cases. Cases. Attorney, 89, 236, 249, 286. Brooke, Baker, surveyor gen admr., 335; see also Seayre, Bookkeeper, Employment of, eral and justice, Xj, 1, 103, Joseph, deceased. 259. 109, 235, 311, 370, 451. Bleeke, Edward, & Co. (Lou- Books and papers, Request for John, Dorchester County chi don merchants) ; see Table return of, 247. rurgeon, and justice, 181, of Cases. Booth, John, servant, xxvi, 420. 191, 356; see also Table of Blomfeild, John, attorney, 144, Bonvile, Amos; see Table of Cases. 272, 327, 354; see also Table Cases. John, admr., xxviii, 6; see of Cases. Boquetenorton [Hundred], Som- also Table of Cases; Wor attorney and clerk of the Pro- erset County, 379. gan, Wm., dec'd. vincial Court, xii, xiii, 1, Boston, Samuel, deceased, sher- Robert, of Calvert County, 88, 90, 91, 199, 325; see also if of Baltimore County, 37, deceased, 424. Table of Cases. 47, 331; see also Mills, Roger, of Calvert County, 423 Bloyes, Tho:, 370, 372. James, exr. Roger, exr.; see Table of Cases; Keene, Edwd., de Blozman; see Bozman. Boteler, Charles, attorney, 53, ceased. Boarne [Bourne], Samuel, of 77, 88, 89, 115, 133, 157, Brooke Court Manor, Calvert Calvert County, 316. 170, 171, 172, 175, 178, 184, County, xxii-xxiii, 422, 423, Boat, Replevin of, 142. 193, 196, 245, 247, 250, 251, 424; see also Aquasco. Boatwright, 133. 256, 257, 258, 259, 316, 325. Brookes; see Brooke. Bodkin, Dominick, 18; see also 436. Browne, David; see Table of Table of Cases. Deputy surveyor of Calvert Cases. Dominick, fItz James, de- County, 97, 103-104, 131, Edwd; see Table of Cases. ceased, 214, 306; see also 234, 235, 418, 451 ; see also if rancis, xxvi, 226. Rozer, Benja, admr. Table of Cases. George; see Table of Cases. Bolton, Enock; see Table of Botler; see Boteler. James, [of Cecil County], de Cases. Boughton, Richard; see Table ceased, xxxiii, 244, 245, 246, Bond, Alice [( ) of Cases. 247; see also Archives, Drury], Mrs. Peter; see Boundary tree, Inability to find, LXVI, 136-137, 288. Table of Cases. xxiii, 104, 235, 451. John, of Salem in New Eng Peter; see Table of Cases. Boundary trees, Oak. red, 308, land, xxxii-xxxiv, 244-247. Richard; see Table of Cases. 452; Oak, white, 307, 368, Bull, Captain, 9. Bond, Assignment of, 9, 52, 56, 370, 372; Pine, 368, 370, 372. Capt. John, (merchant), 334. 164, 216, 401, 421, 430. Bowdell (Bowdle), Thomas, of Bullock, John, of St. Mary s Cancellation and delivery of, Talbot County, 226, 316; County, marksman, 219, 312, 313, 421. sec also Table of Cases. 220. |
Volume 67, Page 477 View pdf image (33K) |
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