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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
Volume 67, Page 476   View pdf image (33K)
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          476                     Index.

  Attorney:                 Bail bond, Assignment of, 164, Beale (Beall, Bell), Ninian, 413,
           Blackiston, Nehemiah                 204, 430, 431, 436.      424, 449, 450; see also Table
           Bland, Thomas     Production of, in court, 130.     of Cases.
           Blomfeild, John  Baily; see Bayly.     Beaman, John, 318; see also Ta
           Bonner, Henry    Baker, Jacob, [New] Amster-        ble of Cases.
           Boteler, Charles    dam magistrate, 282.    Beamont; see Beaman.
           Carvile, Robert   John, 70, 74, 394, 402, 403;   Beanes, Christopher; see Table
           Cheseldyn, Kenelm                    see also Table of Cases,      of Cases.
           Crosse, William   Joseph, 244.    Bearcroft, John, 70, 74; see also
           Jones, John       Capt. Roger, 380; see also        Table of Cases.
             Thomas            Table of Cases.    Beauchamp, Edmund, clerk of
           Long, Tho:       Ball, Edward, of Calvert      Somerset County, 91; see
           Lowe, Vincent       County; see Table of Cases.     also Table of Cases.
           Parke, George; see also Par-       Hannah, 134.  Beckwith, Mr., deceased, 25.
             ker, George, attorney            Mary ( ) Humphrys,  Geo., dec'd., 13; see also
           Parker, George      Mrs. William, 134.    Bankes, Thomas, admr.
           Ridgely, Robert   Thomas, 174, 175, 191, 260;    Bedstead and bed furniture,
           Rousby, Christopher                  see also Table of Cases.      Replevin of, 234.
             John [at law or in fact?]        William, 134. Beech, Elias, 260.
           Sayer, Peter     Ballard, Charles; see Table of   Admr., 97; see also Cole,
           Smithson, Tho: [at law or in         Cases.    Richard.
             fact?]         Ballard Jarvis, xxvii; see also Beef, Value of, 198.
           Thompson, George    Table of Cases.    Beer, Monados, Price of, 361,
           Ward, Matthew    Balley, Jno., dec'd, 14, 42, 53;        362.
           Williams, William                    see also Murty, Stephen,   Bell, John; see Table of Cases.
          Attorney, Absence of, 63.           admr.; Bayley.      Thomas; see Archives, LXVI;
           Appearance of, in proper per-     Baltimore, Charles, 3d. Lord,    Table of Cases.
             son, 46, 105, 292, 328.            xi; see also the Proprietary.   Bell (surname) ; see Beall;
           Assignment of, to pauper, 229-    Baltimore County, Sheriff of,    Beale.
             230.              44, 211, 279, 335; see also  Bennet, Disborough, decd., 209;
           Consent of, to admission of          Long, Thomas; Boston,    see also Blangy, Mary
             defendant, 233.                    Samuel.       ( ) Wells Ben-
           Continuance of case, Death of,     Amercing of, xv, 206, 208, 436.      net, admx.
             57, 65.        Bankes, Thomas, Calvert County  Bennit, Jno., seaman, 36.
                                             Bennitt, Thomas, of St. Mary's
            Giving of special bail by, for     innholder, 160, 171, 172, 180,   County, 405; see also Table
             client, 309.182, 19!, 199, 22!, 42!; see  of Cases.
            Illness of, 139.  also Table of Cases.     Bequest, Failure to deliver, 381
            In fact, 151, 153, 228.
           Motion of, to Provincial          (Banks), Thos., admr.; see Ta-        382.
                               ble of Cases; Beckwith, Berry, Edward Mycaiah, Lon
             Court, 235.       Geo., dec'd.     don merchant, 334.
           Payment of fees by, for non
             resident, 228. Barbadoes trade, 258. Ber[r]y, Wm.; see Table of
           Swearing-in of, xii, xiii,        Barnes, Ambrose; see Table of    Cases.
             144               Cases.        Bery; see Ber[rjy.
           See also Procurator. Factor.       ffrancis, deceased, 38; see also  Betts, George, marksman, 370.
             Letter of attorney.                Cock, John, admr.     Bigger, John; see Table of
          Attorneys, Agreement of, about      John, St. Mary's City inn-      Cases.
             jUry, 226-227.    holder; see Table of Cases.  Biggs, Ambrose, of Calvert
          Auditors, Delay of, in reporting,  Barnet, William; see Table of    County, 424.
             146, 255, 442.    Cases.         John, of Calvert County,
           Order for the appointment of,     Bartholomew, Henry. of Salem     marksman, 243, 244.
             4, 65, 68, 152, 301, 314, 315,     in New England, 246247.    Bills, Attachment of, 50; see
             316, 317, 318. Bartlett, Pascue, servant, 312.    also Attachment; Writing
           Replacement of, 255, 442.         Barton, Wm., 236.      obligatory.
          Axes, felling, Value of, 33        Barty, Jarvis, of Talbot County,    Cancellation of, by Court
           Wooding, Value of, 33                merchant; see Table of        order, 422.
                               Cases.         Court order for delivery of,
          Bacon, Josiah; see Table of        Basey, Michael; see Table of     89, 236.
             Cases.            Cases.         Proof of, 107-108.

          Bagbey, Samuel; see Table of       Basford, Manor of, St. Mary's  Satisfaction of, out of court
             Cases.            County, 219.     award, 216; see also Writ-
          Bail, special, Nonsuit for failing Bayard, Peter; see Table of      ings obligatory.
             to give, 266.     Cases.        Bills of exchange, Protest of,
           Prayer for, 43, 46, 52, 113,      Bayly, Jno., deceased, 42; see        12, 445.
             183, 229, 230, 266, 309,           also Murty, Stephen, admr.;     Bills of lading, Production of,
             429(?), 455.      Balley, Jno. dec'd.        in Court, 176.
           Secretary to be granting of-       Richard, 4, 56; see also Ta- Binkes, Tho:, of Calvert Coun
             ficer for, 43.    ble of Cases.    ty; see Table of Cases.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
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