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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
Volume 67, Page 470   View pdf image (33K)
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          470                  Table of Cases.
             v.                      Robert Carvile, 230.      at:. Mary Gittings, admr. Jno. Gittings,
             v.                      John Coode & Tho: Lomax, 261.         xiii, 38, 150.
             v.                      Wm. Crosse, 229.  Ridgell, Richard, at:. Malachy Peale, 426.
             v.                      Tho: Doxey & Mason, 261.    Ridgely, Robert, v. Thomas Hemington, 51, 148.
             v.                      Charles James, 41.        v. Ralph Hutchinson, 240.
             v.                      James Lang, Wm. Crosse & Bruen Rad-      v. Cadwalladr. Jones, 225, 445.
                                     ford, 279.      v. George Oldfeild, 437.
             v.                      George Oldfeild & Petronella his wife,        v. Eliza Palmer, 250.
                                     admrx. John Carr, 16-18.       v. Thomas Peighin, 40, 138, 148.
             v.                      Bruen Radford, 230.       v. Tho: [Thurston] Thirston, 279-280.
             v.                      Benjamin Rozer, 12-13.    v. Henry Turner, 47, 148.
             v.                      Gerard Slye, 413-415.     v. Alexander Younger, 51.
             v.                      Tho: Todd, exr. Tho: Todd, 285-286,   Rigbey, James, v. Wm. Ber[r]y, 27, 112, 147.
                                     310.    Rigbey, James, exr. Wm. Drury, ats. Peter
          Purrington, Robt., at: Xtopher Gist, at:. Geo:             Bond & Alice his wife, 58, 202, 274, 407-
                                     Yate, 418.        408.
          ats. John Quigley, 54.        Roberts, John, v. Garret Vansweringen, 212,
          Pynn,                      Edward, v. Charles James, 2, 37, 71-75.        276, 429.
             v.                      Geo: Oldfeild & uxr., extrx. Jnn: Carr,    Robins, George, V. Wm. Dare, 210, 250, 426.
                                     xiv, 211, 278, 430.       at:. Wm. Combes, 43, 133.
          at:. Charles James, 208.      Robison, Thomas, V. Clement Hill, 206.
          Pyper,                     William, v. Mark Cordea, 5.    at:. Jno. Paler, 214, 278.
             v.                      Thomas Smith, 27, 110, 164-166; see also   Roe, Mary, extrx. Edmd. [i.e., Edwd] Roe, at:.
                                     Smith, Thomas, v. John Dormand.      Jno. Edmondson, 208, 277, 379-380.
                                     Roe, Mary, extrx. Edwa Roe, v. Wm. Hemsley,
          Quigley, Jno., v. John Creycroft, 14, 8o, 156.
             v.                      Robert Purrington, 54.    V. Jno. Ingram, 13, 56-57.
             v.                      Henry Verburgh, 39, 129.       at:. John Cowdear, 38, 128, 419-420.
             at:. Vincent Lowe, 239.       at:. Wm. Hemsley, 209, 277, 446.
             at:. Tho: Matthews, 225.           at:. John Moll, 212, 275, 428.
             at:. Peter Sayer & Jno: Brooke, 427.         at:. Thomas Walker, 25, 99-100, 150.
             at:. Garret Vansweringen, 437, 455.       Roe, Mary, Combes, Wm., & uxr., &, at:. John
                                        Rousby. & ux., 231; see also Creycroft,
          Radford, Bruen, v. Thomas Wynn, 65, 548.     John, V. John Burdit, supra, 101-105.
             at:. the Proprietary, 230.
          Radford, Bruen, Lang, James, Crosse, Wm.,    Rogers, Bryan, & Grill, Jno., v. Moy's Exe
              at:. the Proprietary, 279.         Cutors, 30-31.
          Raspin, Samuel, v. John Allen, 16, 82-83.    Rogers, John, v. Wm. Dunkerton, 52.
             V. Jno. Stone, 25, 99.  Rosewell, Wm., v. Gerard Slye, 41, 138, 148.
          [Rawles, Elizabeth,] us., admrx. Edward Cop-    at:. Tho Carlisle & Jno Watson, exrs.
              page, Rawles, Wm., &, v. Thomas if ran-       [John] Cun[n]ingham, 213, 278, 395-396.
                                        at:. Edward Cooke, 33.
              Cis, 39, 130, 179, 300-301.
          Rawles, William, admr. see. Rawles (Raules),    at:. Edward Laight, 33.
              Wm., & us., admrx. Edwd. Coppage, v.        at:. Gerard Slye, 37, 119, 120-121, 147.
              Thomas ffrancis.          at:. Lidia Solly, 37.
          Rawles, Wm., & us., admrx. Edwd. Coppage, v.    at:. Lydia Solly, admrx. Benja. Solly, 224;
              Thomas ffrancis, 39, 130, 179, 300-301.      see also Archive: LXVI, 69-70.
          Rawlings, John, at:. Thomas Bell & Philip    Rosewell, Wm., Jordaine, Jno., & at:. Thomas
              if rench & Co., 46, 228; see also Archive:,       Crundall, 33.
              LXVI, 239-240, 396.       at:. Wm. Hibberd, 33.
             at:. John Brooke, 210, 277, 410-411. Rosewell, Wm., Toate, Robt., &, ats. Lidia Solly,
             at:. Wm. Hill, 42, 133-134.         37, 117-118.
             ats. Morgan Jones, 24, 93.    at:. Lidia Solly, 37, 118-119.
             ats. Henry Parker, 49, 195-196. [Rousby, Barbara,] uxr., Rousby, John, &, v.
             at:. John Staynes, 228; see also Archives,         Wm. Combes & ux., & Mary Roe, 23!;
              LXVI, 98, 230-231, 396.       see also Creycroft, John, v. John Burdit,
             at:. Thomas Wynne, 2-3.     supra, 101-105.
          Reider (Reader), Symon, v. Garret Vanswerin- Rousby, Christopher, v. Robert Twidell & Rich
               gen, 212, 252, 388-389.      ard Bond.
             at:. Gerard Slye, 432.  Roushy, Christopher, et ux., extrx. Richard Col

          Revell, Randall, v. Edmund Beauchamp, 91, 210,        lett, v. Anthony Galloway, 24, 85.
               275, 378-379.         [Rousby, Elizabeth, Mrs. Christopher], extrx.
             at:. Richard Covell, 210, 278, 428.      R'd Collett, Rousby, Christopher, and, v.
          Revell, Randall, Gunnell, George, &, at:. Wm.         Anthony Galloway, 24, 85.
              Coleborne, 49.         Rousby, John, v. Wm. Philipes, 150, 214, 278,
          Reynolds, Hugh, v. Robert Large & Elizabeth       429.
              Greene, 38, 126.          V. Peter Sayer, 1.
          Rhodes, Abraham, v. Clement Hill, 13, 68-70. Rousby, John, & ux., v. Wm. Combes & uxr.
             at:. Margaret Gittings, admr. John Gittings,       & Mary Roe, 231; see also Creycroft,
              xiii,                      John, v. John Burdit, supra, 101-105.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
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