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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 487   View pdf image (33K)
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                    Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676.    487

         same Sheriff maketh returne of the writ aforesaid That the said Liber N N
         Samuel Hall is not found in his Bailiwick whereupon the said
         Bartholomew by Robert Carvile his Attorny prayed an attachment
         against the goods & chattells of the said Samuel according to Act
         of Assembly in that case made & provided and it is granted unto him.

         John Waghop Comand was given to the Sheriff of St Maries County
             agt that he take James Lewis if he shall be found in his
       James Lewis Bailiwick & him Safe Keepe So that he have his body
                   here the 17th day of April 1677 to answer unto John
         Waghopp in a plea of trespas upon the case Att which said 17th
         day of April the same Sheriff maketh returne of the writ aforesaid
         That the said James Lewis wilfully absconds so that he could not
         have him here as he was comanded Whereupon the said John by
         Kenelm Cheseldyn his Attorny prayeth an attachment against the
         estate of the said James & it is granted unto him.

         Denis Sulivant the defendant by Robert Carvile her Attorny ap-
         agt peare & the plaintiff by Jno Jones his Attorny with-
         Elizabeth Potter drawes his action

         Thomas Gant Memorandum that his Lopp the Lord Propry of this
             agt Province the fif tenth day of ffebruary in the second
       Thomas Bland     yeane of his Dominion &c Annoq Dom 1676 Send-
                   eth his writ of Scire facias to the Sheriff of Ann
         Arundell County in these words Charles &c To the Sheriff of Ann
         Anundell County Greeting Whereas at a Provinciall Court held at the
         Citty of St Maries the ninth day of December 1674 before Our jus-
         tices of Our Said Court Thomas Gant recovered judgment against
         Thomas Bland for seaven hundred Sixty & One pounds of tobacco
         & for that execution hath not thereupon issued Wee therefore comand
         you that by good & law full men of your Bailiwick you make Knowne
         to the said Thomas Bland that he be before Our justices of Our
         Provinciall Court to be held at the Citty of St Maries the Sevententh
         day of April next to shew cause if any he have why Execution
         should not issue forth against him for the said Summe of Seaven
         hundred Sixty One pounds of tobacco & how you shall execute this
         writ you then & there make Known to Our said justices & have you
         there this writ Wittnes Thomas Notley Esq &c At which said 17th
         day of April the same Sheriff maketh neturne of the writ afore-
         said endorsed By virtue of this writ before Robert Clarkson &
         Andrew Norwood two sufficient men of my County I have made
         Knowne to the said Thomas Bland the tenor of the writ within-
         mentioned Jno Welsh Sheriff.
           Att which said Sevententh day of April Came the said Thomas 306
         Bland in his proper person & sheweth no cause to the Court here

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 487   View pdf image (33K)
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