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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 486   View pdf image (33K)
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                 486        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676.

            Liber N N Robert Graham
                  Garret Vansweringen
                  Margaret Gittings admr
                               Jno Gittings
                  Abraham Rhodes

             Wm Hibberd
                     agt               the defendant Rosewell by John
                  Jno Jordaine & Wm Rosewell
                                       Jones his Attorny appeare & im-
                  Thomas Cnundall
                             parle untill next Court.
                  the Same

              p.305 Memorandum that his Lordship the Lord & Pnopry of this Prov-
                  ince sendeth his writ of Scire facias to the Sheriff of Calvert County
                  the fiftenth day of ffebruary in the second yeare of his Lopps Domin-
                  ion Annoq Doffi 1676 the tenor whereof followeth in these words
                  vizt Charles &c To the Sheriff of Calvert County Greeting Whereas
                  at a Provinciall Count held at St Maries the twentith day of Novem-
                  ber 1675 before Our justices thereunto assigned Roger Baker recov-
                  ered judgment against Henry Cox for the summe of foure thou-
                  sand eight hundred thirty eight pounds of tobacco debt together with
                  five hundred thirty Six pounds of tobacco costs of Suite for which
                  satisfaction remaineth to be made Wee therefore Comand you that
                  by good & lawfull men of your Bailiwick you make Knowne to the
                  said Henry Cox that he be & appeare before Our justices of Our
                  Provinciall Court to be holden at St Maries the 17th day of April
                  next to shew cause if any he have why execution should not issue
                  for the said summe of foure thousand eight hundred thirty Eight
                  pounds of tobacco the debt aforesaid together with five hundred
                  thirty Six pounds of tobacco costs of Suite & hereof faile not at your
                  peril & have you there this writ Wittnes Thomas Notley Escp &c Att
                  which said Sevententh day of April the same Sheriff maketh retunne
                  of the writ aforesaid endorsed not any of the goods or Chattells of
                  Henry Cox to be found in my Bailiwick Whereupon the said Roger
                  by Robert Ridgely his Attorny prayed an Elegit against the Lands
                  of the Said Henry & it is granted him.

                  Bartholomew Thomas Comand was given the Sheriff of st Maries
                     agt County that he take Samuel Hall merchant
                  Samuel Hallif he should be found in his Bailiwick so that
                  he have his body before The justices here
                  the 17th day of April 1677 to answer unto Bartholomew Thomas
                  of a plea of trespas of the case at which said 17th day of April the

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 486   View pdf image (33K)
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