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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 475   View pdf image (33K)
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                  Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676.     475

        Morgan Sold it to Anthony Brispo the husband of the petitioner Liber N N
        who hath enjoyed the said land for the terme of foure yeares &
        Since the said Brispoes death One James Philipps hath gott a war-
        rant of resurvey Out of the Secretaryes Office & Surveyed the Said
        land & tells the petitionr the said land is his & will turne her off of
        the sd land & Send his servants to worke upon the said land which
        torments the petitioner very much & the reason is this Philipps hath
        another tract of land next adjoyning to the Petitioner of One hun-
        dred acres called Chelsey which begins at a marked Chestnutt & the
        Petitioners land begineth at a marked Oake which is the mistake
        of the surveyr for he hath named the marked Oake to be the bound
        tree of the said Philipps Land which belongeth to ye Petitioner &
        for that reason he vexes & torments her & tells her he will have her
        Land from her, & being ignorant in the Law she prayeth advice
        whether he can doe her any prejudice for so small a mistake. And
        she haveing produced here in Court the deposition of Wm Osborn
        of Baltemore County taken before Thomas Hedge Gent One of his
        Lopps Cothissioners for the said County That the parcell of land
        that Elizabeth Brispo liveth upon called Crabb Hill was the land
        which the Deponent & John Lee Sold unto Oliver Spry. Where-
        upon it is granted by the Court here the twentith day of April 1677
        That the Sheriff sumons a jury of the neighbourhood upon the said
        Lands & enquire upon resurvey of the bounds of the said lands &
        make returne thereof to the justices of this Court.

        April 21th 1677

         Then did Capt Gerard Slye take the Oath of ffidelity to his Lord-
        shipp the Lord Propry of this Province & the Oath of Sheriff of
        st Maries County before the Honble Wm Calvert Esq Secry & Major
        Benjamin Rozer justices of this Court.

        Eodem die. Wm Jones haveing Sumoned Samuel Hatton to prove
        a bill of Edward Roes deed now in suite was allowed for his come-
        ing goeing & attendance eleaven dayes three hundred & thirty pounds
        of tobacco to be paid him by the said Wm Jones.

        April 26th 1677
         It is the judgment of the Court here That Servants under age
        may be adjudged here what age they are of, aswell as in the County

        Anthony Neale this cause being in ejectment the defendant by John
        agt Jones his Attorny appeareing names Thomas Han-
        James Taylor gasse for defendant & the plaintiff haveing filed a
                   new declaration according to rule of Court it is
                   ordered by the Court that the defendant plead next
                   Court or otherwise judgment by default.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 475   View pdf image (33K)
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