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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 474   View pdf image (33K)
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                  474        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676.

            Liber N N Province in the full & just summe of two thousand One hundred
                   pounds of good sound merchantable tobacco in caske due to be paid
                   at or before the tenth day of October next ensueing the date of the
                   said bill in some convenient place in the Said County of Dorchester
                   to the said Robert Heigh his heirs or assignes or certaine Attorny
                   To the which payment he the said Thomas Pattison did bind him-
                   selfe his heirs executrs admrs & assignes firmly by those prsents Yet
                   notwithstanding the said Thomas Pattison the said summe of two
                   thousand One hundred pounds of tobacco or any part thereof to
                   him the Said Robert Heigh according to the Same bill though often
                   demanded hath not paid or satisfied but the same to pay or Satisfie
                   hath hitherto altogether denyed & refused & Still doth deny & refuse
                   to pay the same whereupon the said Robert Heigh Saith he is damp-
                   nified & hath losse to the value of foure thousand pounds of tobacco
                   & thereupon he bringeth his Suite.
                    And the said Thomas Pattison the six & twentith day of April
                   1677 in his proper person cometh & defendeth the force & injury
                   when &c & Saith nothing in barr or avoidance of the action a fore-
                   said of him the said Robert by which the said Robert remaineth
                   against the said Thomas Pattison as to the said two thousand One
                   hundred pounds of tobacco the debt aforesaid wholy undefended
                   Therefore it is considered by the Court here that the said Robert
                   Heigh recover against the said Thomas Pattison aswell the summe
                   of two thousand One hundred pounds of tobacco the debt aforesaid
                   as also           pounds of tobacco costs of Suite but
                   so as execution thereof stay untill the tenth day of October next.

                    Upon the petition of Elizabeth Griffin That she was transported
                   into this Province by Mr Abberdine in October 1676 & was by him
                   sold to ffrancis Street a Carpenter in Calvert County dureing whose
                   life she lived very quietly as his servant but his widdow since his
                   death hath very much abused her neither allowing her sufficient
                   meate & other necessaryes nor ever suffering her to be at quiet but
                   with unmercifull blowes & other hard usage makeing her incapable
                   of doeing that service which she doth most rigorously expect from
                   the petitioner.
                    Whereupon it is Ordered by the Court here the ninetenth day of
                   April 1677 That The Petitioner with her said Mistresse appeare
                   before Collonel Baker Brooke or Mr Roger Brookes who are ordered
                   to enquire into the premisses & to doe according to right & justice in
                   this behalfe.

               p. 297 Upon the Petition of Elizabeth Brispo That Wm Osborne & John
                   Lee tooke up in this province a certaine parcell of land of One hun-
                   dred acres called by the name of Crabb Hill & afterwards they sold
                   the said Land to Oliver Spry who sold it to Richard Morgan & Richd

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 474   View pdf image (33K)
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