Volume 66, Page 332 View pdf image (33K) |
332 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676. Liber N N in the said time of nine months faile or make any default in doeing as is above expressed then this Obligacon to be void otherwise to stand in full force power & virtue which being read & heard the said Pope by his said Attorny Saith that the said Boareman ought not to have his action aforesaid against him for that the said Clarke was not taken or attached to answer unto the said Boarman as is exprest in his declaration all which the said Alvey is ready to averr & putts himselfe upon the judgt of the Court and the plaintiff also. Now here at this day to wit the second day of December in the second yeare of his Lopps Dominion &c Annoq Dom 1676. It is granted by the Court here that the said Wm Boarman recover against the said Pope Alvey aswell the summe of two thousand pounds of tobacco the debt aforesaid as also the summe of five hundred ninty five pounds of tobacco costs of Suite and the said Pope in mercy &c. Wm Coleborne William Lee late of Charles County Gent otherwise agt called Wm Lee of Virginia gent was sumoned to Wm Leeanswer unto William Coleborne of a plea that he render unto him the full and just quantity of One thousand foure hundred & twenty pounds of tobacco which to him he oweth & unjustly deteineth. And whereupon the Said William Coleborne by Robert Ridgely his Attorny Saith that whereas the said Wm Lee the first day of March 1674 by his certaine bill Obligatory Sealed with the Seale of him the Said Wm Lee & here in Court produced whose date is the day & yeare aforesaid did bind himself e his heirs executrs & admrs to pay unto the said William Coleborne his heirs executrs admrs or assignes the just & full quantity of One thousand foure hundred & twenty pounds of tobacco to be paid upon demand at some con- venient place in Virginia or Maryland Yet the aforesaid Wm Lee the aforesaid summe of One thousand foure hundred & twenty pounds of tobacco to him the said Wm Coleborne though often there- unto required hath not paid but the same to pay hath denyed & yet doth deny to the damage of the said Wm Coleborne two thousand pounds of tobacco & thereupon he bringeth his suite. And the said Wm Lee by John Jones his Attorny cometh & de- fendeth the force & injury when &c and saith nothing in barr of the action aforesaid of him the said Wm Coleborne but is content that Judgment passe against him by default Therefore it is granted by the Court here the fourth day of December in the second yeare of his Lopps Dominion &c Annoq Dom 1676 That the said Wm Cole- borne recover against the said Wm Lee aswell the summe of One thousand foure hundred & twenty pounds of tobacco the debt afore- said as also the Summe of five hundred Sixty foure pounds of tobacco costs of suite & the said Wm Lee in mercy. |
Volume 66, Page 332 View pdf image (33K) |
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