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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676. 331 the said James Ringold, with Henry Hosier and Robert Hood his Liber N N suertyes and did acknowledge to owe unto John Wedge the summe of two and twenty thousand pounds of tobacco to be levyed of their goods & Chattells lands or Tenements to the use of the said John Wedge in case the said James Ringold doe not prosecute his writ of Error against the said John Wedge with effect & also satisfie & pay if the judgment be affirmed all and singular the debts damages & costs adjudged or to be adjudged upon the former judgment & all cost & damages also to be awarded for the delaying of Execution Unlesse the said James Ringold doe pay the same or render his body to prison. Wm Boareman Charles Clarke & Pope Alvey late of st Maries agt County otherwise called Charles Clarke & Pope Charles Clarke & Alvey of st Maries County in the Province of Pope Alvey Maryland were Suthoned to answer unto William Boareman Gent in a plea that they render unto him the full quantity of two thousand pounds of tobacco which to him they Owe & unjustly deteine &c. And whereupon the said Wm by Robert Carvile his Attorny Saith that whereas the said Pope & Charles the fourth day of March in the yeare of Our Lord 1673 by their certaine writeing & Obligatory Sealed with the Seales of them the said Charles & Pope and here in Court pduced whose date is the day of the date hereof abovewritten did acknowledge themselves to owe & Stand indebted unto him the said William Boarman the full & just quantity of two thousand pounds of sound merchantable tobacco & caske to be paid unto him the said William his heirs or assignes or certaine Attorny con- veniently in st Maries County aforesaid on demand notwithstanding which the said Charles & Pope the said summe of two thousand pounds of tobacco to him the said Wm according to the tenor of p. 201 their certaine writeing Obligatory have not paid though often there- unto required but the same to pay have altogether denyed & Still doe deny whereupon he saith he is dampnified & hath losse to the value of foure thousand pounds of tobacco And thereupon he bringeth his suite. And whereupon the said Pope by John Jones his Attorny Cometh & defendeth the force and injury when &c & prayeth the heareing of the said writeing Obligatory & it is read unto him he also prayeth heareing of the Condition of the said writeing Obligatory and it is read unto him in these words following vizt The Condition of this Obligation is such That if the abovebounden Charles Clarke shall for nine months next ensueing after the date hereof come to the said Capt Boarman his house & there remaine for the time of One weeke in each month & shall teach the said Capt Wm Boarman his Children to dance & his eldest Son to play on the violine & shall not |
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