Volume 66, Page 321 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676. 321 deny whereupon he Saith he is dampnified & hath losse to the value Liber N N of fourteen thousand pounds of tobacco and thereupon he bringeth his suite. Afterwards to wit the first day of December in the Second yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dom 1676 came the Said Thomas Taylor in his proper person & Saith that as to five thousand pounds of tobacco part of the Said Seaven thousand pounds of tobacco in the declaration mentioned he hath paid & Sat- tisfied but as to two thousand pounds of tobacco the remainder he cannot gainsay for that he oweth the Same to the said Humphry & is content that judgment passe against him for the Same without costs of Suite Therefore it is granted by the Court here that the said Humphrv Warren recover against the said Thomas Taylor the summe of two thousand pounds of tobacco the debt aforesaid. Richard Pery this cause continued untill the next Court by consent ag of the Attornyes of both parties. Daniel Jenifer Marmaduke Semme Arthur Carleton administrator of the goods p. 195 agt and Chattells of Thomas Carleton deceased Arthur Carleton admr was Sumoned to answer unto Marmaduke Thomas Carleton Semme in a plea of trespas upon the case. And whereupon the Said Marmaduke by Kenelm Cheseldyn his Attorny complaineth that whereas the said Thomas in his life time to witt the twelfth day of December in the yeare of Our Lord 1674 Stood indebted to the said Marmaduke for liquors and other accomodations received at the house of the said Marmaduke in the whole amounting to the summe of eleaven hun- dred sixty nine pounds of tobacco a particular whereof is here in Court produced in consideration whereof the said Thomas did as- sume upon himself e and to the said Marmaduke did faithfully prom- ise that he the said Thomas for the same when thereunto required the Said Summe of eleaven hundred Sixty nine pounds of tobacco to him the said Marmaduke would well & truly content & pay not- withstanding wth the said Thomas the Said Summe of eleaven hun- dred sixty nine pounds of tobacco according to his promise in his life time hath not paid nor the said Arthur since his death Ad- ministrator of all & Singular the goods & chattells which were the said Thomas at the time of his death since his death to him com- mitted but the same to pay hitherto hath and Still doth altogether deny to the damage of the said Marmaduke two thousand pounds of tobacco & thereupon he bringeth his suite. And the Said Arthur by Mathew Warde his Attorny cometh & defendeth the force and injury when &c and prayeth liberty to imparle hereunto untill next Provinciall Court & it is granted him the same day is given to both parties. |
Volume 66, Page 321 View pdf image (33K) |
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