Volume 65, Page 191 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1673. 191 Am held and firmly bound To James Williams of Patuxent in Cal- Liber M M vert County in the said Province of Maryland planter in the full & iust Sume of One hundred pounds of good and Lawfull mony of England. To be paid to the said James Williams or to his Certeine Attorny his Executrs Adminrs or assignes. To which payment well & truely to be made & done I binde my selfe my heyres Executors & Adminrs firmly by these prsents. Sealed with my seale Dated this Thirteenth day of february Annoq Doms—1673. The Condition of this prsent abouewritten Obligation is such That if the abouebounden Thomas Carleton his heyres Executors p. 128 Admrs & Assignes or any of them shall & doe from tyme to tyme & at all times hereafter well & truly Obey pforme fulfill & keepe all and singuler the Guifts, Covenants Grants Bargaines Articles Condi tions & Agreemts Conteined menconed Specefied & Expressed in one paire of Indentures of Bargaine sale or ffeoffment made betweene the abouesaid Thomas Carleton of the one Pt and the abouenamed James Williams of the other part bearing euen date with the aboue written Obligation which on the part and behalfe of the said Thomas Carleton his heyres Executors Adminrs & Assignes are & ought to be obeyed obserued pformed fulfilled & kept and that in & by all things According to the true intent and meaneing of the said recited In dentures. Then this prsent abouewritten Obligation shalbe Voyd and of none effect. otherwise to stand and remayne in full force Strength & Vertue. Tho: Carleton seale Sealed & Deliured in the prsence of Tho. Marsh. Geo. Parker. Provll Court feb 13th 1673 Then did the aboue Named Thomas Carleton Acknowledge the aboue wryting in open Court to be his Voluntary Act and Deed. Robert Ridgely. Cler. Cur. Provll Know all men by these prsents That I Richard Covell of London Marrinor for good causes and Considerations me thereunto Moueing haue assigned Ordeined & made & in my place and stead put & Con stituted my Loueing freind Christop Rousby of Calvert County in the Province of Maryld genl. my true & Law full Attorney for me & in my name & to my use, To aske demand sue for Leauy Require Recour & receiue of all & eury pson & psons whatsour and all and eury such Debts sumes of Mony. Quantity or Quantityes of Tobacco. as are now due unto me or which at any day or dayes tymes or tymes hereafter shall be due oweing or apperteineing unto mee. by any maner of wayes or meanes whatsoeuer. from Any pson or p. 129 psons whatsoeur within the said Province of Maryland giueing and granting unto my said Attorny my full power and Authority in & about the prmisses. and upon recept of any such Debts Sumes of mony quantity or quantityes of Ton. afforesayd Accquittances or |
Volume 65, Page 191 View pdf image (33K) |
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