331, 334, 335, 337, 340, 341,
347, 348, 349, 35O, 353, 355,
Gittings, James, road supervisor,
Glassford, John, et als., Petition
of, 44, 93-94, 108.
Glover, Thomas, 281, 402.
"God's Gift," Prince George's
County, 92, 196.
Gold and silver coin, 181-182,
248, 249.
Gold coins, Value of, per penny
weight, 181-182.
Goldsborough, Thomas, Caroline
County Commissioner, 210.
Goodwin, Milcah (Dorsey),
Mrs. William, 104, 214, 254.
William, 214, 254.
Gordon, [Rev.] J., 120.
Gough, Henry Dorsey, Trustee
of the poor of Baltimore
County, 261.
Goundrill, Rev. George, 377.
Governor, Address of, to the
Assembly, 3-4, 15-16, 81, 83,
112, 113, 114, 120, 275, 304,
306, 323; Appointment of
tobacco inspectors by, 154-
155 ; House of, Use of, for
public purposes, 146; Mes-
sage of, to the Lower House,
21, 118-119, 127, 130, 139,
140, 141, 310; Message of,
to the Upper House, 6, 278 ;
Pew for, in new St. Anne's
Church, 374; Presidency ol
Charlotte Hall School board
by, 377; Proclamation of,
convening the Assembly,
307-308 ; Proclamation of,
on fees, xxi ; see also To-
bacco, staple of, Act for
Prorogation of Assembly by,
13, 81, 302, 361, 431-432,
436-437; Resentment of, at
Lower House adjournment,
xvi, 43? ; Return of, to Eng-
land, 275, 304.
Grace, Richard, 402.
Graham, Charles, 370, 371.
Grahame (Grayham), William,
281, 402.
Grand jurors, Provincial, Act
concerning, 084, ^20, ^8y,
„ 299, 312, 318, 357.
Gravelly Hill, Harford County,
xxxi ; see also Otter Point.
Graves, Richard, 151, 158.
Gray, — , 439.
John, of Patuxent, 320.
Grays Inn Creek Warehouse,
Kent County, 152, 158, 165;
see also Toveys Warehouse.
Green, Anne Catherine, ix, x.
Allowances to, from the dif-
ferent counties, 232 ; Allow-
ance to, in case of no ses-
sion, 233.
Isaac, 281, 402.
Jonas, xxvii.
Greenhill Town Warehouse,
Somerset County, 152, 159-
Green's Bridge over the Patux-
ent River, 394, 295.
Greenleaf, Capt. Jonathan, of
Massachusetts, 429.
Greist, Isaac, road supervisor,
Gresham, Richard, deceased, 152,
Griffith, Benjamin, road super-
visor, 396.
Charles, road supervisor, 395.
Henry (Frederick County),
15, 29, 32, 83, 87, 08, 107,
109, 114, 303, 310, 3", 3i5,
316, 322, 323, 324, 328, 350;
on Comm. of accounts, 17,
84; on Comm. to enquire
into Harris petition, 316-
317; on Comm. to enquire
into Tom petition, 27; on
Comm. to inspect the arms
and ammunition, 84 ; on
Comm. to inspect the public
offices, 17, 84 ; on Comm. to
prepare bill to prevent evil
of compass variation, 116;
sent by the Lower House,
7, 12, 25, 36, 42, 49, 85, 107 ;
votes, 20, 118, 121, 122, 130,
132, 138, 139, 142, 148, .315,
316, 326, 327, 330, 331, 334,
335, 337, 340, 342, 347, 348,
349, 350.
Henry, Supervisor of Forl
Cumberland road, 252.
Henry, junr., road supervisor,
Marshall, 281, 402.
Grove, Silvanus, Trustee in
London, 54, 103.
Guinea, English, Value of, 181.
French, Value of, 181.
Gunpowder River, Warehouse
on, Baltimore County, 152,
Guttry, Moses, 402.
Hackett, William, 153, 160.
Hagan, Joseph, 402.
Hagar, Jonathan (Frederick
Countv). 15, 03. 106; EHs-;-
bility of, to Lower House,
xiv, 21-23, 434-436; Super-
visor of Fort Cumberland
road, 352 ; votes, 20.
Half Johannes, Value of, 181.
Hall, Aquila (Baltimore and
Harford Counties), xxxi,
28, 89, 105, 114, 115, 122,
T38, 309, 315, 316, 34$ ; Com-
missioner for Harford
County, 108; on Comm. to
enquire into Worthington
petition, 31 ; on Comm. to
prepare bill for division of
Baltimore County, 105, 115;
on Comm. to prepare bill
for regulation of officers
fees, 310 ; sent by the Lower
House, 59, 60, 66, 78, 80,
120, 122, 133, 149, 279, 298,
312, 354; votes, 113, 1 18,
121, 122, 130, 132, 138, 139,
142, 147, 315, 347, 348, 349,
350, 353, 355, 356.
Benedict Edward, Commis-
sioner for Harford County,
xxxi, 198.
John (Anne Arundel County),
14, 18, 28, 32, 36, 82, 83, 86,
87,98, 105,109,111,113,114,
115, n6, 117, 127, 139, 143,
303, 306, 309, 3io, 311, 312,
314, 3i8, 319, 321, 323, 324,
328, 331, 339, 345, 354J on
Comm. to answer the Gov-
ernor's address, 18, 21, 140,
306; on Comm. of corre-
spondence and enquiry, xv,
23, 432; on Comm. of elec-
tions and privileges, 17, 84;
on Comm. to enquire into
expenditures on Baltimore
County court house and
prison, 336-337; on Comm.
to enquire into Glassford
petition, 108; on Comm. to
enquire into Hollyday peti-
tion, 317; on Comm. to en-
quire into Pumphrey peti-
tion, 335; on Comm. to en-
quire into Ridgely petition,
31, 94,' on Comm. to enquire
into St. Paul's petitions,
334; on Comm. to enquire
into Venables petition, 30;
on Comm. to inspect the
public offices, 17, 84; on
Comm. to prepare bill for
division of Baltimore
County, 105; on Comm. to
prepare bill to prevent evil
of compass variation, 113;
on Comm. to prepare bill
for regulation of officers'
fees, 86, 310; on Comm. to
prepare bill for regulation
of the staple of tobacco, 83 ;
on Comm. to prepare bill
for the relief of insolvent
dcbiurs, 86, 124 ; sent by
the Lower House, 10, 21, 30,
56, 85, 1 10, 118, 289, 336,
359; votes, 20, 113, 118, 121,
122, 130, 132, 139, 142, 148,
315, 316, 326, 327, 330, 331,
334, 335, 337, 340, 342, 347,
348, 349, 350, 353, 355, 356.
John, of Cranbury, Commis-
sioner for Harford County,
xxxi, 198.
Hall of Records, ix.
Hamilton, John, Sheriff of Cecil
County, 51. 52, 101.
Hammond, Matthias (Annapo-
lis), 14,83, 98, 111,303,310,