331, 334, 335, 337, 340, 341,
347, 348, 349, 350, 353, 355,
East (Northeast), side of North
West fork of the Nanticoke
River, Warehouse at, 152,
Eastern Shore, Treasurer of, 53,
102 ; see also Hands, Bed-
Eddis, William, Commissioner
for emitting bills of credit,
John, King and Queen Parish,
St. Mary's County, 368.
Eden School, Visitors of, Peti-
tions from, xxvi, 283, 321,
328, 376.
Eden Town, Caroline County,
Court house and prison at,
xxxii, 212 ; see also Denton.
Edmiston, [Rev.] William, 120.
Edmondson, Joshua, deceased,
Warehouse of, 152, 159.
Election, Writ of, 23, 306, 435.
Failure of sheriff to return,
92, 93, 106.
Elerman (Erhman), John, 280,
Elk Ridge Furnace, 214.
Elkins, James, 280, 401.
Elkridge Landing Warehouse,
Anne Arundel County, 152,
158, 189.
Emersons Landing Warehouse,
Talbot County, 152, 159.
English law, Insistence on, 17,
English penal statutes, Applica-
bility of, to Md., xiv, 4, 16.
Ennalls, Henry, Junior, de-
ceased, Warehouse of, 152,
John (Dorchester County),
312, 333, 336.
Sent by the Lower House,
287, 33o; votes, 315, 316,
326, 327, 330, 331, 334, 335.
William (Dorchester County),
90, 109, 114, 117, 118; on
Comm. to prepare bill for
erection of [Caroline]
County, 1 14 ; sent by the
Lower House, no; votes,
Ensor, Joseph, of Cecil County,
Petition of, 282, 317.
Entail of land, Docking of, 34.
Erhman, see Elerman.
"Errickson's Hazard," Prince
George's County, 195.
Escape, action of, Responsibility
of sheriffs in, 404, 411, 417.
Eversfield, Rev. John, Petition
of, 8.
Execution for levies and dues,
Falconar (Falconer), Gilbert,
Petition of, 58, 115, 133, 138.
"The Farm," Prince George's
County, 195.
Farmer of quit rents, 117.
Fenwickes Point, Warehouse at,
Petition for, 9, 28-29, 283.
Fenwickes Point, Warehouse at,
Rejection of, by Upper
House, 45, 95, 283.
Field, John, 402.
Leonard, 281, 402.
Fitzhugh, William (U. H. and
Council), xiii, 3, 7, 9, 10,
41, 43, 47, 56, 58, 278, 283,
Fires, Prohibition of, near ware-
houses, 190.
Sent by the Upper House, 10,
33, 57, 112, 287, 310, 328.
Fitzmorris (Fitzmaurice), John,
280, 401.
Fletcher, Henry, 281, 402.
Flowers and stamps used for
printing bills of credit, 242,
Force, Peter, Transcripts of, in
Library of Congress, x, 433
Ford, Benjamin, Clerk to Lower
House committees, 18, 19,
87, 88, 308.
Forgery, of bills of credit, 244;
see also Counterfeiting.
Of tobacco notes or stamps,
Fort Cumberland, Road from, to
navigable water, 252-253.
Forty per poll, 46, 97.
Foster, ledediah, of Massa-
chusetts, 429.
Fout, Henry, road supervisor,
Fowler, Mark, 280, 402.
Walter, 280, 401.
Frauds in his Majesty's customs,
Act for, see Tobacco, staple
of, Act for regulating.
Frazer, John, 280.
Frazier, Joshua, xvi, 15, 83, 304.
Frederick County, Clerk of,
Delegates of, xiv, 15, 23, 42,
83, 85, 304, 434-435-
Inhabitants of, Act for quiet-
ing, in their possessions, xv,
10, 12, 30, 32, 33, 36, 38,
47, 48, 49, 55, 72, 86, 89, 98,
106, 107, 143, 144, 194
Loan of bills of credit in, 245.
Road repair, Petition for, 283 ;
see also Roads, public.
Sheriff of, 23, 51, 91-92, 93,
100, 101, 106, 108, 435 ; see
also Bruce, Normand ;
Oneal, Lawrence.
Market in, act to establish,
Act continuing, xxv, 62, 69-
70, 72, 91, 126, 127, 1.39, 144,
218 (text).
Frederick Town Warehouse,
Cecil County, 152, 159.
Freeholders, Award of, in small
debt recovery, 334.
Freeland, Robert, deceased, 152,
Fullerton, Charles, 281, 402.
Funk, Jacob (Frederick
County), 42, 85, 91, 08, 109,
139, 304, 324, 325, 327, 332,
345 ; on Comm. to enquire
into Harris petition, 316-
317; Road supervisor, 395;
sent by the Lowci Iluuac,
56, 109; votes, 113, 118, 121,
122, 130, 132, 138, 139, 315,
316, 334, 335, 337, 34O, 341,
347, 348, 349, 350.
Gaither, Elizabeth, Mrs. Wil-
liam, 7, 56.
William, and wife, Act to em-
power, to make conveyances,
56, 70, 109; Petition of, 7.
Gale, William, Talbot County,
Warehouse of, 152, 159.
Galloway, Joseph, Sheriff of
Anne Arundel County, 1766,
Gammell, William, deceased, 93.
Gantt, Edward, 370, 371.
Gardiner, Benjamin, 402.
Gardner, Capt. Thomas, of Mas-
sachusetts, 429.
Garret, Amos, Commissioner for
Harford County, xxxi, 198.
Gassaway, Henry, Act for the
relief of, 299, 300, 302, 358,
359, 36o, 409-413 (text) ;
Petition of, 297, 358, _4O9;
see also Languishing prison-
Gauger of liquid merchandise,
Gay, Nicholas Ruxton, Balti-
more Town Commissioner,
George Town in Frederick
County, Petition of sundry
inhabitants of, 65.
George Town Warehouse, Fred-
erick County, 153, 160, 165.
Gerry, Elbridge. see Gerry, El-
Gerry, Eldridge, of Massa-
chusetts 429.
Ghiselin, Reverdy, Clerk of the
Provincial Court and Secre-
tary's office, 271, 420 ; J. P.,
Anne Arundel County, 19,
24, 88, 308.
Gildart, Richard, 152.
Gilpin, Joseph (Cecil County),
14, 35, 82, 87, ni, 112, 303,
323, 338; on Comm. to in-
spect ..... the Commission-
ers for issuing bills of credit,
42, lo, 55, 84, 85, eg, 104,
300, 304, 305, 357-358; votes,
20, 315, 316, 326, 327, 330,