Carr, Aquila, 280, 401.
Dabney, of Virginia, 423, 430.
Elizabeth, 280, 401.
Carrollsburgh, Sundry proprie-
tors of lots in, Petition of,
for warehouse, 56, no, 319.
Carter, John, 310.
Gary, Archibald, of Virginia,
423, 430.
Casks, Manner of gauging of,
406; see also Baltimore
Town, Casks in.
Marking of, with exact con-
tents, 407.
Cay wood, Thomas, 281, 402.
Cecil County, xxx.
Clerk of, 141.
Court of, Act to revive and
aid proceedings of, 35, 59,
60, 87, 114, 116, 123, 124.
Delegates of, xiv, 14, 82, 303.
Loan of bills of credit in, 245.
Sheriff of, 51, 52, 54, 100, 101,
103, 141; see also Thomas,
Richard; Hamilton, John.
Warehouse in, 152, 159.
Chaff ey, John, 280, 401.
Chaille, Peter (Worcester), 15,
27, 83, 87, 80, 124, 126, 303,
309, 313, 314, 3i8, 319, 328,
3J£ j on Cuuiiu. txf cnquiic
into Venables petition, 30;
sent by the Lower House,
8, 27, 283, 309, 320-321;
votes, 20, 113, 118, 121, 122,
315, J16, 326, 327, 331.
Chalmers, John, et als., Petition
of, to sell lot in Baltimore,
9, 44-
Chamberlaine, James Lloyd
(Talbot), 15, 18, 25, 27, 32,
82, 83, 87, 98, no, 113, 114,
US, 303, 310, 312, 315, 318,
325, 330, 340, 345, 3541 on
Comm. of accounts, 17, 84,
149, 348; on Comm. to an-
swer the Governor's ad-
dress, 18, 306; on Comm. of
correspondence and enquiry,
xv, 23, 432; on Comm. to
enquire into St. Paul's pe-
titions, 334, 338; on Comm.
of grievances and courts of
justice, 17, 84; on Comm. to
prepare bill for regulation
of officers' fees, 86; on
Comm. to prepare bill for
regulation of the staple of
tobacco, 83; sent by the
Lower House, 21, 59, 70, 78,
79, 8o, no, 116, 140, 144,
149, 275, 292, 295, 304, 344,
348; votes, 20, 113, 1 18, 121,
122, 130, 132, 138, 139, 142,
148, 315, 316, 326, 327, 331,
334, 335, 337, 34O, 34T, 347,
348, 349, 350, 353, 355, 356.
Chance (ship), x-xi, 437-440.
Infection from, act to prevent,
xxii, xxviii-xxix, 279-280,
312, 363-364 (text).
Sailors from, Petition of, 310.
Chancellor, office of, Act relat-
ing to, 286, 299, 311, 314,
325, 357.
Chancery, Remedy in, in lieu of
petition, 69.
Chancery Court, Meeting place
of, 146.
Chandler, Rev. Dr. Thomas,
Chandlers Point Warehouse,
Charles County, 152, 158.
Chapel of ease, Petitions for, 7,
8, 288, 314, 371, 392; see
also parishes by name.
Chaptico Warehouse, 151, 158.
Petition against removal of, 7,
26, 48, 105, 108, 321, 322;
for the removal of, 105, 1 08,
321, 322, 323.
Charles County, Court of, In-
crease of civil business be-
fore, 367.
Delegates of, 15, 82, 303.
Justices of, 333.
Loan of bills of credit in, 245.
Sheriff of, 51, 52, 100, 101,
300; see also Lee, George.
Warehouses in, List of, 152,
Charles Town, Charles County,
93; see also Port Tobacco.
Charlotte Hall School, Act for
the establishment of, xxiiv,
377-379 (text); see also
School at the Cool Springs.
Chase, Samuel (Anne Arundel),
xix, xx, 14, 1 8, 28, 32, 36,
90, 08, 105, 109, in, 113,
114 115, 132, 139, 140, 143,
143, 148, 303, 306, 310, 311,
312, 314, 318, 321, 323, 324,
328, 331, 333, 353, 354, 357;
on Comm. to answer the
Governor's address, 18, 140,
306; on Comm. of corre-
spondence and enquiry, xv,
23, 432; on Comm. of elec-
tions and privileges, 17; on
Comm. to enquire into En-
sor petition, 317; on Comm.
to enquire into Pumphrey
petition, 335; on Comm. to
enquire into Ridgely peti-
tion, 31, 94; on Comm. to
enquire into Venables peti-
tion, 30; on Comm. to en-
quire into Worthington pe-
tition, 31; on Comm. on
expiring laws, 20, 306, 333;
on Comm. to prepare bill to
prevent evil from compass
variation, 1 13; on Comm. to
prepare bill for regulation
of officers' fees, 91, 310; on
Comm. to prepare bill for
the relief of insolvent debt-
ors, 1 16; sent by the Lower
House, 21, 69, 77, no, 139,
149, 278, 285, 295, 309, 325,
331, 35o; Trustees for build-
ing St. Anne's Church,
xxvii, 373; votes, 20, 113,
118, 121, 122, 130, 132, 138,
139, 142, 147, 315, 316, 326,
327, 330, 331, 334, 336, 337,
341, 347, 348, 349, 350, 353,
355, 356.
Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of,
281, 314, 348.
Chequins, Arabian (coins),
Value of, 181.
Cherry, Benjamin, 284.
Chestertown Warehouse, Kent
County, 151, 158, 165.
Chickamuxen Creek Ware-
house, Charles County, 152,
Choptank Bridge Warehouse,
Queen Anne's County, 153,
1 60.
Choptank Ferry Warehouse,
Dorchester County, 152,
Christ Church Parish, Calvert
County, Act for building in,
Supplement to, 13, ^8, 31,
36-37, 38, 47, 63, 87, 92, 98,
Act for building church in,
Supplementary act to, 128.
Church in, Act for finishing
and compleating xxvi, 290,
292, 318, 324, 337, 343-
Church, new, Petition for, 7, 57,
28, 36.
Churchville, Harford County,
Churchwardens, see Vestrymen.
Civil court business, Increase
of, 367.
Claggett, [Rev.] Thomas John,
xxvi, 120, 370, 371.
Claims against the Public, 105,
332; see also Accounts,
Journal of.
Clapham, John, Commissioner
for emitting bills of credit,
Clarke, Joshua, Caroline County
Commissioner, 210.
Clergy, Inclusion of, in Inspec-
tion Act, xviii, 12-13, 37,
45-46, 06.
Incomes of, Limitation of,
Times of annual payments to,
Clergy of the Church of Eng-
land in this Province, Act
for the support of, xx, 70,
77, 81, 132, 134, 139, 140,
141, 148, 149, 245-256