the Lower House, 58, 8o,
114, 142, 287, 292, 331, 344;
votes, 20, 113, 118, 130, 132,
138, 139, 142, 147, 315, 316,
326, 327, 330, 331, 334, 335,
337, 341, 342, 347, 348, 349,
Thomas, of King and Queen,
St. M., 368.
Thomas, son of Thomas
(Harford County), 288,
332, 339, 343; on Comm. to
enquire into Litton petition,
339; sent by the Lower
House, 297, 353; votes, 334,
335, 337, 340, 342, 347, 348,
349, 350, 353. 355, 350-
Maj. Zachariah, Trustee for
the poor in St. Mary's
County, 220, 368.
Bond, for conveyance of land,
Of borrowers of bills of credit,
246-247, 249-250.
Of creditors to sheriffs, 405,
412, 416.
Of executor, 197.
Of market clerk, 239.
Of overseer of the poor. 224,
265, 385-
Of tobacco inspectors, 153-
Of warehouse proprietors, 187.
Official, Suit against, 109, 117,
141, 153, 182, 251-252, 255,
Suit against, 320.
Booths for the sale of strong
liquors, Ban on, on holy
days, 413-414-
Bordley, John Beale (U. H.),
275, 283, 287, 297; sent by
the Upper House, 288, 292,
333, 342.
Boroughs, Matthew, 281, 402.
Boucher, [Rev.] Jonathan, 120.
Bourn, Robert, 439.
Bowens, Robert, 280, 401.
Bowers, James, 280, 401.
Jerethmeel, of Massachusetts,
Bowie, Alien, 7, 8.
Bowler, Metcalf, Speaker of the
House of Deputies of Rhode
Island, 425, 426.
Bradford, William, of Rhode
Island, 425.
Brashears, John, III, 402.
Bready, Thomas, 280, 401.
[Bribes], Penalties for offer-
ing or receiving, 115-156,
1 60.
Bridge Town Warehouse, Queen
Anne's County, 165; see also
Choptank Bridge Ware-
Briscoe, Hanson, King and
Queen Parish, St. Mary's,
John, King and Queen Parish,
St. Mary's, 368.
British colonies, Correspondence
between, 18, 23-24, 329-330;
see also Lower House,
Comm. of correspondence.
Broad Creek chapel of ease,
Somerset County, 370.
Broad Creek Warehouse, Prince
George's County, 152, 160.
Broad Creek Warehouse, Talbot
County, 165-166; see also
Sherwoods Landing Ware-
Broad Creek Warehouse, Wor-
cester County, 153, 160, 165.
Brooke, Francis, Warehouse of,
151, 158.
Henry, et ux., 26, 31, 194,
195; see also Roundell,
Martha, et als.
Mary (Smith), Mrs. Henry,
26, 31, 194, 195; see also
Roundell, Martha, et als.
Dr. Richard, 378.
Brooks, James, Accounts of, 347.
James, Clerk to the Comm.
to inspect the Commission-
ers for issuing bills of
credit, 50, 09.
Brown, Dr. Gustavus, xxvii.
John, of Frederick County,
280, 402.
John (Queen Anne's), 25, 83,
113, 114, 124; on Comm.
to prepare bill for erection
of [Caroline] County, 114;
on Comm. to prepare bill
to prevent evil from com-
pass variation, 113; on
Comm. to prepare bill for
regulation of officers' fees,
86; sent by the Lower
House, 47, 98; votes, 113,
118, 121, 122.
Moses, of Rhode Island, 425.
William, deceased, Somerset
County, Warehouse of, 152,
Browns Landing Warehouse,
Queen Anne's County, 152,
1 60.
Browning, Thomas, 34, 115.
Bruce, Normand, late sheriff of
Frederick County, 51, 100,
Normand, Road supervisor,
Bruff, Michael, 280.
Thomas, 392.
Bruffs Landing Warehouse, Tal-
bot County, 152, 159.
Bryan, John, 402.
Buchanan, Andrew, Baltimore
Town Commissioner, 207.
Andrew, Trustee of the poor
of Baltimore County, 261.
Peggy (Dorsey), Mrs. Wil-
liam, 104, 214, 254.
Robert (Kent), in.
William, Junior, 214, 254.
Buck Neck Warehouse, Kent
County, 151-152, 158, 165.
Building, public, see State
Buckland, Mr. William, Allow-
ance to, 143.
Burkett, John, 402.
Bush Town, Harford County,
Prison and Court House at,
xxxi, 198.
Butler, Thomas, of Frederick
County, deceased, 365.
Calder, Alexander, late sheriff
of Kent County, 52, 101.
"Caleb Delight Enlarged" Fred-
erick County, 214, 253.
Calvert, Benedict (U. H. and
Council), xiii, 3, 6, 7, 10, 41,
43, 47, 58, 62, 74, 274, 277,
278 283, 298, 377, 433; on
Comm. to inspect the Com-
missioners for issuing bills
of credit, 5, 20, 42, 40-55,
85, 99-104, 276, 299, 306, 357
358; sent by the Upper
House, 3, 6, 15, 41, 49, 73,
83, 107, 145, 275, 277, 209,
304 356.
Benedict Leonard, xxiv.
Calvert County, Clerk of, 141.
Delegates of, xiv, 14, 82, 303.
Justices of, 290, 318, 324, 337,
343, 370.
Loan of bills of credit in, 245.
Sheriff of, 52, 54, 101, 103,
141; see also Smith, Clem-
Warehouses in, List of, 152,
Cambridge, Dorchester County,
Court house in, 211.
Campbell, Rev. Isaac, 377.
Capt. Robert, Commander of
the ship Chance, xxviii, 297,
298, 357, 437-440.
Canal, Petition for, from Somer-
set and Worcester Counties,
281, 314, 3i9-
Caney, Thomas, 280.
Cannon's Ferry, Delaware,
Cannon's Ferry, Dorchester
County, 209.
Carney, Thomas, 402.
Caroline County, Commissioners
of, xxxii, 210.
Court house and prison of,
Courts of, 214.
[Caroline] County, Creation of,
Act for, 10, 48, 60, 63, 66,
68, 73, 122, 145, 209-214
(text); see also Dorchester
and Q. A., Division of.
Delegates of, 304.
Justices of, 210, 211, 212.
Sheriff of, 210, 211, 213.