It will give me great pleasure to co-operate with you in ordaining
such Laws as may be conducive to the welfare of this Province,
as well in respect of the Subjects I have taken the Liberty to mention
as of any other that may occur.
Adjourned until Four of the Clock in the Afternoon.
Eodem Die Post Meridiem.
The House met again according to Adjournment.
Present as in the Morning. Thomas and Hammond, from the Lower House, bring
up the following Message.
By the Lower House of Assembly October 1773.
May it please your Honours.
This House hath appointed from Nine o Clock in the Morning
until One in the Afternoon, and From three till Five, for its sitting
every day, during this Session, for the dispatch of the Publick
Signed by Order Jn.o Duckett Cl. Lo. Ho. Beall and Turbutt Wright, from the Lower House, bring
up the following Message.
By the Lower House of Assembly October 1773.
May it please your Honours.
This House hath appointed Worthington, Beall, T. Wright,
Key and Bond to join one or more of the Members of your House,