At a Convention of Assembly, begun and held at the City of
Annapolis, on Wednesday the 13.th day of October, in the Third
Year of the Dominion of the Right Honourable Henry Harford
Esq.r, Anno Domini 1773.
Were Present
His Excellency Robert Eden Esq.r Governor.
Benedict Calvert Esq.r
Daniel Dulany Esq.r
John Ridout Esq.r
The Honble- George Steuart Esq.r
William Fitzhugh Esq.r
Daniel of S.t Tho.s Jenifer Esq.r
George Plater Esq.r
Mess:rs Paca and Lloyd from the Lower House, acquaint His
Excellency, that there are a sufficient number of Members met to
make an House, and wait His Excellency's Commands.
Benedict Calvert and John Ridout Esquires are sent to acquaint the
Members of the Lower House, that His Excellency requires their
Attendance in the Upper House, immediately.
The Lower House attend, and His Excellency is pleased to make
the following Speech.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly.
Presuming this to be a Season convenient for a longer Session
than the last, I shall recommend to your Consideration, sundry
matters that appear to me necessary, and likely to be conducive to
the general Welfare.
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Oct. 13
p. 680
In a former Session, I recommended joining with our Sister
Colony of Virginia in the erection and support of a Light House
on Cape Henry, and you seemed convinced of the necessity and
utility thereof: it is my duty now to inform you, that two Acts of
Assembly have been passed there, to carry this very important object
into execution; copies of these Acts, and the Proceedings subsequent
thereto, shall be laid before you.
Permit me to recommend to your reflections the extensive utility
which cannot fail to flow from an establishment in this Province
p. 681