so appointed and view and examine the Beams and Scales and other
Necessaries and try the Weights by the Standard Weights of the
County at every Warehouse in their respective Counties and if the
said Beams and Scales shall be found defective or the Weights be
found to differ from the Standard or other necessaries required by
this Act be found wanting the said Justices or Justice shall Cause
the same to be repaired and amended and the Charge of such Repairs
shall be paid by the Inspectors respectively and be allowed them
in their Account with the said Justices And it is hereby declared
to be the Duty of the Standard keeper of each County in this Prov-
ince when required to attend the said Justices so to be appointed with
the Standard Weights of the County and to assist them in adjusting
the Beams and Scales and trying the Weights as aforesaid at all
and every the Warehouses in the said County and the said Standard
keepers shall be allowed at every November Court by the Justices
of their respective Counties their reasonable Accounts for their
[And ex-
every Year
by the Jus-
tices, &c.]
And be it enacted that the Warehouses wharf's Prizes and Cranes
already built and by this Act Continued to be Warehouses for the
Inspection of Tobacco where the same Warehouses have been Com-
monly since the twentieth Day of October seventeen hundred and
seventy used and employed for receiving and storing Tobacco for
Rent or Reward shall continue to be made Use of as Warehouses
by Virtue of this Act and the Owners or Proprietors of every such
House are hereby obliged to let the same to the Inspector or In-
spectors as the Case shall be under the Penalty of thirty two thou-
sand Pounds of Tobacco and in that Case the Rent of six Pounds
of Tobacco per Hogshead shall be paid to such Owners or Pro-
prietors of the Warehouses in Ann Arundel, Calvert, Somerset,
Worcester, Baltimore, and Frederick Counties and eight Pounds of
Tobacco per Hogshead to the Proprietors of the Warehouses in
Kent, Charles, Saint Marys, Talbot, Prince Georges Dorchester
Caecil and Queen Anns Counties respectively by the several Pro-
prietors and the Tobacco by this Act to be paid for the Inspection
and also for the Cropping and reprizing of Tobacco shall be applied
to pay and defray the Charge of the Inspection Salaries and other
Expences such as finding Weights and Scales and other Necessaries
mentioned in this Act and the keeping them in Repair according
p. 209
[Owners of
already built
obliged to
let them,