162 Assembly Proceedings, November 16— December 23, 1773.
Liber R. G.
[In Case of
the Inspec-
tors Sick-
ness, &c.]
Sickness or other Disability of one Inspector that the other may
by himself and he is hereby authorized and impowered to do and
execute all the Powers and Authorities which by this Act the two
Inspectors together might do as fully to all Intents and Purposes as
if they were both present and the Inspector so acting alone shall
be answerable for all and every the Hogsheads or Parcels of Tobacco
so by him inspected and passed and that his Bond shall and may
be sued for any Breach of the Condition thereof by such Inspector
Committed during the Absence of such sick or disabled Inspector
p. 208
[In Case
both spec-
tors [sic]
should be
sick, they
must ap-
And be it enacted that if it shall hereafter happen that both the
Inspectors at any House shall at the same Time be sick or disabled
and thereby prevented from attending their Duty that then and in
such Case only it shall and may be lawful for each of the said In-
spectors and they and each of them are hereby required to Nominate
and appoint one other Person being a sufficient Planter and well
skilled in Tobacco which two Persons so as aforesaid to be appointed
are to view Inspect pass and stamp or refuse the Tobacco brought to
the said house during the Sickness or Disability of such sick or
disabled Inspectors each of the said two Persons so appointed first
taking the Oath of Office and other Oaths (or Affirmation if a
Quaker) directed by this Act to be taken by Inspectors and sub-
[But them-
selves be
scribing the Oath of Abjuration and repeating and subscribing the
Test and the said sick or disabled Inspectors and their Surities shall
still be answerable for the said Tobacco so by the Persons by them
severally appointed inspected and passed in the same Manner as if
they and each of them had personally officiated
there is but
one Inspec-
tor, when
sick, he
must ap-
And be it enacted that if it shall hereafter happen that the In-
spectors at any house where but one is by this Act appointed shall
be sick or disabled and thereby prevented from attending his Duty
that then and in such Case only it shall and may be lawful for such
Inspector And he is hereby required to nominate and appoint one
other Person being a sufficient Planter And well skilled in Tobacco
which Person so as aforesaid to be appointed is to view inspect pass
and stamp and refuse the Tobacco brought to the said House during
the Sickness or Disability of such sick or disabled Inspector the said
Person so appointed first taking the Oath of Office and other Oaths
or Affirmation if a Quaker directed by this Act to be taken by In-
spectors and subscribing the Oath of Abjuration and repeating and
subscribing the Test and the said sick or disabled Inspector and his
[But him-
self to be
and Scales,
to be kept at
each Ware-
Surities shall still be answerable for the said Tobacco so by the Per-
son by him appointed inspected and passed in the same manner as
if he had personally officiated.
And be enacted that there shall be provided by the Justices of
each County at the County Charge and kept at every one of the
said Warehouses a good and sufficient Beam Weights and Scales to
weigh fifteen hundred Gross Pounds at the least and a set of small