Votes and
of the Lower
printed by
A. C. Green
Dec. 15
Sheriff as aforesaid, and shall refund and pay rateably to such
other Creditors as shall apply for the same thereafter, the Debt
or Debts due from such Prisoner to him, her, or them, so as that
the said last mentioned Creditors may receive and be paid in equal
Proportion to his, her, or their Demands, and in Case such Prisoner
as aforesaid shall be liable on a future Breach of a Contract by him
or her made or entered into before his or her Discharge, the Per-
son or Persons who shall be entitled as a Creditor or Creditors of
such Prisoner under such Breach of Contract, shall have and re-
ceive his or her Satisfaction, rateably of the Creditors who shall
have received the Whole or a Proportion of the Debts due to them
on such Distribution as aforesaid, and to prevent Persons who may
be charged in Execution from lying in Prison until they have spent
their Substance wherewith they should satisfy their Creditors, and
afterwards taking the Benefit of this Act when they have Nothing
left to deliver up to their Creditors, no Person who shall be charged
in Execution, from and after the Expiration of this present Session
of Assembly, shall be allowed or permitted to exhibit a Petition for
the Purpose aforesaid, unless such Petition shall be exhibited within
Thirty Days after his or her Commitment, or being charged in
Execution." Leave out the Word "or" after the Word "Descent"
in the Eighth Line of the Seventh Page; and after the Word
"Distribution," in the same Line add the Words "or otherwise".
Leave out from and after the Word "Act," in the Twelfth Line of
the Eighth Page, to the Word "Creditors," in the Seventh Line of the
last Page inclusively; and immediately before the continuing Clause
add the following, viz. "And be it further enacted by the Authority
aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons hath or have been already
committed, or hereafter shall be committed by any Court for Fees,
on any Criminal Prosecution, it shall and may be lawful for the
Court by whom such Prisoner hath been or shall be committed,
upon the Application of such Prisoner, or of the Sheriff having
the Custody of such Prisoner, to order such Prisoner to be sold as
a Servant to the highest Bidder, for a Term not exceeding Five
Years, and to direct the Money which shall arise on such Sale, to
be applied as far as the same shall extend, in or towards the Pay-
p. 72
ment and Discharge of the Fees for which such Prisoner hath been
or shall be committed; Provided always, That if the highest Price
for the Prisoner to be sold as aforesaid, shall exceed the Sum or
Amount of the Fees then and in such Case, there shall be an Abate-
ment of the Time of the Service of such Prisoner to be sold as afore-
said, in Proportion to the Part of the Purchase Money, which shall
remain after Payment and Discharge of the Fees aforesaid, and the
Purchaser of such Servant shall be discharged of and from such
Surplus or remaining Part of the said Purchase Money after Pay-
ment of the Fees aforesaid."