By the Upper House of Assembly, December 15, 1773: Read the
Second Time and will pass with the annexed Amendments.
Signed by Order, U. SCOTT, Cl. Up. Ho."
Add to the Title of the Bill, the Words "and other Prisoners."
After the Word "committed" in the Fourth Line of the First Page,
insert the following Words, vis. "or charged." In the Fifth Line
of the same Page, leave out the Words " or for want of special
Bail." After the Word "Commitment" in the Seventh "Line of the
same Page, add the Words, viz. "or charge." Leave out in the
Second Page the following Words, beginning in the Ninth Line,
"and it doth not appear to them, or any Two of them, from the
Cause or Causes of his or her Imprisonment, or by the Allegation
upon Oath of the Creditors, or some of the Creditors of the said Pris-
oner, that the Whole of the Debts due and owing from him or her,
Amount together to Two Hundred Pounds Sterling Money or the
Value thereof." After the Word "Estate" in the Fourteenth Line of
the same Page, add the following Words, viz. "Debts and Credits."
In the Seventh Line of the Third Page, leave out the Word "the"
next before the Word "Whole" and insert the Word "my;" and
in the Eighth Line of the same Page, leave out the Words "of my
own in Possession;" and after the Words "Interest in" in the same
Line add the following Words, viz. "and of all Debts, Credits and
Effects whatsoever, which I, or any in Trust for me, have, or at the
Time of my Petition, had or am, or was in any Respect entitled to
in Possession, Remainder or Reversion." Leave out the Words
beginning in the Eighth Line of the same Page, vis. "and that I
have not any Estate, Goods, or Effects of any Kind whatsoever
left, either in Possession, Reversion, or Remainder." After the
Word indirectly in the Eleventh Line of the same Page, add the
following Words, viz. "at any Time since my Imprisonment or
before." After the Word "Estate" in the Twelfth Line of the same
Page, add the following Words, viz. "Goods, Stock, Money, or
Debts." After the Word "Trust" in the Third Line of the Fourth
Page, add the Words "for him or her;" and after the Word "he"
in the same Line, and the Words "or she." After the Word
"Justices" in the Tenth Line of the Sixth Page, add the following
Proviso, viz. "And provided also, That before any Suit be brought
by any Sheriff aforesaid, Notice shall be given thereof in the
Maryland Gazette for Four Weeks successively, in Order that all
the Creditors of such Prisoner may have an Opportunity, if they
shall think fit, of joining in the Request aforesaid, to and Indemnifi-
cation of the said Sheriff, and thereby be entitled to receive rateably
what shall be recovered; and the Time from the Discharge of such
Prisoner as aforesaid till such Suit shall be brought, shall not be
affected by any Act for Limitation of Actions, and the Creditors
who shall apply and receive any Sum or Sums of Money of the
Votes and
of the Lower
printed by
A. C. Green
Dec. 15