Lower House, Absence of mem-
bers of, 80, 177, 338.
Address of, to the Governor,
xxv, 86, 115, 121, 123, 124,
183, 190-191, 192-200, 207-
208, 215, 216-217, 218, 340,
344, 346, 361, 364-365; Pub-
lication of, 233.
Bad temper of, toward the
Upper House, 65; see also
Upper House, Bad temper
of; Conference report on
inspection bill passim.
Bar of, Attendance at, 79, 89,
90, 91, 95, 96, 102, 103, 109,
no, in, 117, 119, 122, 124,
130, 142, 168, 177, 232, 342,
369, 385.
[Chaplain], of, xx, 84; see also
Boucher, Rev. [Jonathan].
Claim of, to sole right to
form all money bills, 33, 34-
35, 176.
Claim of, to sole right to im-
pose taxes, xxiv, xxvi, 113,
114, 176, 232, 388.
Claim of, to sole right to
regulate fees, xxiv, xxvi,
114, 196, 388.
Clerk of, xix, 4, 77, 96, 310;
see also Duckett, John; Fees
to, 90-91, 95, 104, 129-130,
166, 212, 213, 224, 387.
Clerk to committees of, xx,
83, 84, 85, 98, 144, 209, 339,
34i, 351, 353, 380; see also
Hodgkin, T. B.; Wright,
Wm.; Peale, St. George;
Hackman, James; Jones,
John Courts; Maddox,
Thomas; Wright, Robert.
Comm. of accounts, xix, 82,
84, 339, 345.
Committee of aggrievances,
see Lower House, Commit-
tee of grievances.
Comm. to answer the Gov-
ernor's speech, xxi, 83, 86.
Comm. to confer on act for
amending the staple of to-
bacco, see Tobacco, staple
of, act for amending Con-
ference on.
Comm. to continue expiring
laws, 105.
Comm. of elections and privi-
leges, xiii-xv, xvii-xviii, xix,
82, 88-89, 339, 368-369-
Comm. to enquire into Bladens-
burgh Warehouse petition,
104, 113.
Comm. to enquire into Colvill
petition, 115, 132-133.
Comm. to enquire into Cum-
ming petition, 159, 175, 215.
Comm. to enquire into Davis
petition, 358.
Comm. to enquire into Dickin-
son petition, 143.
Comm. to enquire into Digges
petition, 115-116.
Comm. to enquire into ex-
penditures for Baltimore
Court House and prison,
Comm. to enquire into the
Hawkins petition, 186, 188-
Comm. to enquire into Hcn-
dricks petition, 378, 383-
Comm. to enquire into Horner
petition, 120, 134.
Comm. to enquire into petition
of inhabitants of Bladens-
burgh, 138, 214, 215.
Comm. to enquire into the
laws on the public roads, 94.
Comm. to enquire into Litten
petition, 139-140, 151.
Comm. to enquire into Louttit
petition, 101, 207.
Comm. to enquire into Merri-
weather-Bernard petition,
380, 382-383.
Comm. to enquire into Ridgely
petition, 152, 182.
Comm. to enquire into Steu-
art-Campbell petition, 191.
Comm. to enquire into Wil-
liams petition, 122, 170-171.
Comm. for the establishment
of religious worship, 353.
Comm. on expiring laws, xix,
xxxvi, 85, 102, 344, 349-
Comm. of grievances and
courts of justice, xix, xxiii,
80, 82, 96, 97, 108-109, 113,
117, 118, 132, 338, 3391 to
publish hour and place of
sitting, 82; to send for per-
sons, papers and records,
Comm. to inspect the ...
Commissioners for emitting
bills of credit, xix, xx, 6, 7,
82, 83, 96, 312, 339, 342,
Comm. to inspect the public
offices, xix, xxxi, 82-83,
96, 161-163, 339, 351, 359-
361, 388.
Comm. on tax to complete
Baltimore County court
house and prison, 186, 188.
Comm. to tax the fees against
the Baltimore County
sheriff, 95.
Comm. to tax the fees against
the Cecil County sheriff,
Comm. to tax the fees on the
Barrow petition, 166.
Comm. to tax the fees on the
Courts petition, 103, 104.
Comm. to tax the fees against
J. F. A. Priggs, 129-130.
Comm. to treat with Joshua
Frazier, about house for
Assembly meetings, 210,
Comm. of the whole, xxxii,
118, 127, 347.
Contempt of, xxvi, 130, 388;
see also Priggs, J. F. A.;
Stewart, William.
Discharge [expulsion] of
member from attendance on,
93, 102, 103.
Door keeper of, xxi, 78, 337;
see also Reynolds, Robert.
Hours of, xix, 6, 78, 79, 82,
311, 337, 340.
Meeting place of, 76, 78, 86-
87, 88, 335.
Message of, to the Upper
House, 6, 18, 33-34, 67, 79,
82, 83, 84, 85, 137, 169, 175,
176, 216, 311, 312, 337, 339,
340, 386.
New business in, Limitation
on, 154, 367.
Officers of, see Lower House,
Clerk of; Lower House,
Serjeant at arms of.
Resolves of, on sole right to
impose taxes, see Lower
House, Claim of.
Rules of, xix, 79-80, 337-338.
Serjeant at arms of, xxi, 78,
79, 89, 91, 96-97, 337; Fees
to, 91, 95, 104, 129-130, 166,
369; see also Quynn, Alien;
Goldsmith, William.
Speaker of, xviii, 3, 76, 309,
335; Fees to, 212, 213, 387.
see also Tilghman, Edward;
Tilghman, Matthew.
Vacating of seat in, 93, 102-
Votes in, 87, 93, 108, 114-115,
123, 128, 136, 137, 141,
142-3, 147, 154, 158, 159,
169, 183, 184, 187, 190, 200,
209-210, 346, 348-349, 352,
353, 365-366, 371, 372, 379,
Fates and Proceedings, Dis-
tribution of copies of, 300.
Whole house, presentation by,
of address to the Governor,
Lucas, Basil, 272.
Luckett, John, 104.
William (Frederick), xv, 76,
89, 96, 98, 104, 138, 143,
144, 161, 174; sent by the
Lower House, 9, 20, 23, 33,
101, 139, 146, 174, 175;
votes, 87, 93, 108, 123, 128,
132, 136, 137, MI, 142, 147,
154, 158, 159, 169, 183, 187,
190, 200, 210.