tition, 115; on Comm. to
enquire into expenditures
for Baltimore court house
and prison, 143; on Comm.
to enquire into Horner pe-
tition, 120, 134; on Comm.
to enquire into petition of
inhabitants of Bladens-
burgh, 138; on Comm. to
enquire into Ridgely peti-
tion, 152, 182; on Comm. to
enquire into Steuart-Camp-
bell petition, 191; on Comm.
of grievances and courts of
justice, 82, 339; on Comm.
to tax the fees against the
Cecil County sheriff, 90-91;
on Comm. to treat with
Frazier, about house for
Assembly meetings, 210;
sent by the Lower House,
4, 15, 33, 67, 78, 124, 176,
216, 330, 385, 386; votes,
87, 93, 108, 114, 123, 128,
132, 136, 137, 141, 142, 146,
154, 158, 169, 183, 184, 187,
190, 200, 210, 347, 349, 352,
353, 366, 371, 372, 378, 382.
Sir William, xxvii, 211.
Johnson's Mill, Worcester
County, Chapel of ease at,
123, 246.
Jones, Christopher, 10, 272.
Capt. John, 435.
John Courts, Clerk to Lower
House committees, xx, 08,
99, 339, 34i.
Thomas, Baltimore, 435.
William, his mark, 172, 285.
Jordan, Dorothy (------),
Mrs. John Morton, 382,
Jeremiah (St. M.), xhi, 75,
88, 98, 115, 117, 131, 177;
on Comm. to inspect the
..... Commissioners for
emitting bills of credit, 6,
82, 83; votes, 87, 93, 108,
114, 132, 136, 137, 141, 142,
146, 154, 158, 169.
John Morton, 330-331, 382-
383, 385, 403; see also Jett,
Thomas; Bernard, William.
John Nesbitt, son of John
Morton J., 383, 403.
Judgment on bonds, 43, 44, 45,
Jurors, Qualification of, 295.
Justices, Allowance to, 381.
Divided opinion of, 298-299.
Independency of, Act for, .....
[etc.], xxxv, 324, 326, 347-
348, 358, 370, 377-
Justices of the peace, 186, 329,
Keating (Keeting), John, 319,
Keef, Owen, 319, 406.
Kees, Charles, 319, 406.
Keith, James, deceased, 324.
Kendall, John, 272.
Kendricks, see Hendricks.
Kenney, Luke, 320.
Kent County, Delegates of,
xiv, xvii, 8, 17, 89, 92, 95-
96, 135, 182, 313, 334, 345,
Writ of election for, 79.
Kerr, John, 17.
Key, Philip (St. Mary's
County), xviii, 334, 361,
364, 369; on Comm. to in-
spect the ..... Commission-
ers for emitting bills of
credit, 312, 339, 340; sent
by the Lower House, 310,
326, 328, 336, 365, 375, 379;
votes, 347, 349, 352, 366, 371,
372, 378, 382.
Thomas (St. Mary's County),
xiii-xiv, 88.
Kill Buck (Indian), 211.
King George's (3t. John's)
Parish, Charles & Prince
George's Counties, Act to
levy tobacco for, xxxvii, 30,
34, 36, 73, 167-168, 170, 174,
177, 182-183, 186, 235, 280-
281 (text).
Knight, Jacob, 320, 406.
Knott, Solomon, 10, 273.
Land, Purchase of, by colonists,
Land Office, Clerk of, xxiii-
xxiv, 1 10, 221; see also
Steuart, William.
Fees taken by, ix, xxiii, xxiv,
xxv, 111 (text), 114, 192,
193, 199, 361.
Public nature of, xxiv, 194.
Records of, 161-162, 194, 359.
Register of, 219, 361; see also
Steuart, William.
Lanham, Jacob, 320, 406.
Languishing prisoners, 10-11,
17, 25, 106, 120, 133, 139,
140, 319-320, 328-329; see
also Debtors; Prisoners in
the several goals.
Marriage of, 329, 380, 400.
Law, Act for amending and de-
claring, xxxvi, 37, 38, 41,
73, 102, 121, 182, 184, 187,
191, 236, 295-299 (text).
Lawrence, Ambrose, 17, 135.
Levin, 133, 134.
Laws of this Province, Act for
the speedy and effectual pub-
lication of, xxxiii, 65-66, 73,
138, 140, 212, 213, 215, 236,
299-302 (text); see also
Green, Anne Catharine.
Laws passed last session, State
of, 351, 354-355.
Lawsuits, see Suits at law.
Lawton, John, 10, 272.
Lawyers, see Attorneys; Fees
of officers and lawyers.
Leases, delay in recording,
Waiving of, 401.
Leases made by ... St. Anne's
Parish, Act to explain, 327,
330, 333, 375-376; see also
St. Anne's Parish; Har-
wood, Thomas et als.
Lee, Mr. Justice, 429.
George [Surveyor, Charles
County], 117.
Richard (U. H.), xiii, 318,
Leeds (Lees), John, 319, 406.
Leeke (Leake, Leek), Frank,
12, 29, 32, 72, 112, 115, 152,
160-161, 212, 235, 257, 258;
see also Digges, Charles.
Lendrum, Andrew, 13.
Lewin, M., 433.
Libel of vessel for breaking
bulk, 428.
Licensing Act, see Ordinary
Lighthouse, Erection of, on
Cape Henry, xxii, xxiii, xl,
4, 77, 94, 107.
Lin (Lyn), Charles, 25, 272.
Lindsay (Lindsey), Oliver, 320,
Liquor selling and horse races,
Act to prevent ..... near
Quaker yearly meetings,
350, 351, 400.
Litten, James, 151, 362.
Samuel, of Baltimore County,
Petition of, 20, 139-140, 151,
321, 356, 357, 362.
Lloyd, Edward (Talbot), xiv,
xviii, 75, 88, 93, 169, 182,
318, 349, 357, 358, 367, 368;
on Comm. to answer the
Governor's speech, 83; on
Comm. for the establishment
of religious worship, 353;
sent by the Lower House,
32, 318, 353; votes, 87, 93,
Loans on real and personal
property, Issuance of bills
of credit on, 118, 127.
Locke [John], On right to con-
sent to taxes, 199.
Long, Andrew, 320, 406.
Louttit, James, deceased, 66, 67,
74, 101, 207, 302.
Mary, Mrs. James, Petition
of, 10.
Louttit, Mary, Extrx, Act to
empower, 66, 67, 74, 101,
207, 208, 213, 214, 215, 216,
217, 236, 302-303 (text).
Love, Philip, Petition of, 319,
355, 385.
Samuel, Commissioner to ex-
amine Charles County rec-
ords, 277.
Loveday, John, 166.
Lowe, John, junr., 96.