Commissioners for emitting,
22, 25, 30-31, 72, 131, 144,
156, 160, 168, 260, 272, 367,
373, 396, 399-
Issuing of, for provincial trade
improvement, 115, 118, 127.
Bills of exchange, Act to ascer-
tain damages on protest of,
Bishop, Joshua, 10, 272.
Blackiston [Nehemiah], Com-
missary General, 229.
Bladensburgh, Petition of sun-
dry inhabitants of [about
the navigation of the Po-
tomac River], 12, 112, 116,
Petition of sundry merchants
at, for flour inspection, 31,
173, 209, 214, 215, 373.
Bladensburgh Warehouse, Act
for relief of the sufferers
of, 37, 38, 70, 113, 128, 137,
139, 187.
Fresh and high tide at, 104,
Blair, N., 425.
Boarman, Edward, 104.
Boat, Stealing or burning of,
Bolton, George, 320, 406.
Bond, Phebe, Mrs. Thomas, 121,
248, 249.
Susannah, Mrs. William, 248,
Thomas, 150.
Thomas, father of William,
121, 248.
Thomas (St. Mary's County),
xviii, 334, 348, 369; on
Comm. to inspect the ...
Commissioners for emitting
bills of credit, 312, 339, 340;
sent by the Lower House,
326, 375; votes, 346, 349,
352, 366, 371, 372, 378, 382.
William, 22, 121, 147, 248,
Zachariah 17.
Zachariah, junr. (youngest),
10, 12, 272.
Bond, Petition for release from,
1 20.
"Bond's Garrison," 248.
Bordley, John Beale (Upper
House) xiii, 8, 14, 18, 20,
21, 30, 41, 309, 318, 322;
Dissent and protestation of,
against bill, 313-316; on
Comm. to confer on act
for amending the staple of
tobacco, xxviii, 20, 42, 53,
65, 140; sent by the Upper
House, 22, 28, 31, 145, 160,
Stephen [of Stephen], de-
ceased, xiv, 79, 89.
Stephen [of Thomas], com-
missary General, 162.
Botetourt [Norborne Berkeley,
Baron de], 4, 77.
Boucher, Rev. [Jonathan],
[chaplain] of the Lower
House, xi, xx, 83.
Bowin, John, 321, 362, 406.
Boyd, John, see McClure, John.
Bread, Assizes of, 51 Henry
HI, 63.
Breaking bulk, Libel of vessel
for, 428, 432, 434.
Brice, John, 326, 375; see also
Harwood, Thomas, et als.
Bristol [Eng.] copper, cost of,
Broad arrow mark on unmer-
chantable flour, xxxviii, 252,
253, 265.
Broad Creek, Chapel of ease at,
Broderick, John, 320, 406.
Brooks, James, Clerk to Comm.
to confer on act for amend-
ing the staple of tobacco,
xx, xxviii, 42, 106.
Register in Chancery, xxxi,
359-360, 361.
Brown (Barron), John, 320,
Brown, John (Queen Anne's
County), xvii, 312, 342,
368, 380; votes, 346, 349,
352, 366, 371, 372, 379.
John Alexander, 320, 406.
Richard, 150.
Robert, 17.
Browning, Louisa (Calvert),
Mrs. John, 424.
John, 424.
Buchanan, Andrew, Commis-
sioner to finish court house
and prison, 283.
Dr. George, Lower House,
1745, 179.
James, 120, 150.
Robert, Attorney in fact, 120,
Robert (Kent County), xiv,
xvii, 17, 89, 95-06, 135, 159,
163, 166, 207, 208, 313, 345,
363, 368; on Comm. to in-
spect the public offices, 351;
sent by the Lower House,
36, 182; votes, 136, 137,
141, 142, 146, 154, 158, 159,
169, 183, 184, 187, 100, 200,
346, 348, 352.
Builder or contractor, 403.
Bullett, Cuthbert, 150.
Burch, Wm., Custom House,
Boston, 433.
Burleigh, Lord, 63.
Button[?], Capt., 435.
Button, James, 320, 406.
Calvert, Benedict (Upper
House), xiii, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9,
14, 20, 21, 30, 34, 41, 223,
309, 317, 318, 325, 428; on
Comm. to confer on act
for amending the staple of
tobacco, xxviii, 20, 42,
140; on Comm. to inspect
the ..... Commissioners for
emitting bills of credit, 7,
85, 312, 342; sent by the
Upper House, xvii, 3, n,
12, 15, 23, 31, 37, 40, 71,
76, 107, 124, 147, 168, 187,
192, 233, 321, 327, 362, 378.
Calvert County, Delegates of,
xiv, 8, 75, 88, 92, 318, 334,
[Jail] Goal of, 10.
Justices of, 243.
Cambridge, Dorchester County,
Building of court house in,
Camden, Lord, 232.
Campbell, Rev. Mr., 150.
Archibald, 11, 272.
Duncan, see Steuart, John.
John, 324.
Robert, 17.
Canterbury, Dean of, see Moore,
Dr. John.
Cape Henry, Lighthouse on, 4;
see also Lighthouse.
Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton,
Peter, 327, 378.
Carrol[l]sburgh, Flour inspec-
tion at, 173.
Casks for flour, 263-364.
Cecil County, Court of, Act to
revive and aid, 322, 326-327,
364, 367, 377.
Delegates of, xv, xviii, 8, 75,
79, 9°, 9i, 3", 312-313, 3T7,
337, 345, 347, 369.
Deputy sheriff of, 90.
[Jail] Goal of, 10.
Sheriff of, xv, 79, 369.
Chaille, Peter (Worcester
County), xiv, xviii, 8, 89,
90, 123, 159, 163, 319, 357,
368, 384; sent by the Lower
House, 16, 128; votes, 93,
108, 115, 123, 128, 132, 136,
137, 141, 142, 146, 154, 158,
159, 365, 366, 371, 372, 382.
Chamberlaine, James Lloyd
(Talbot), xiv, xviii, 75, 88,
112, 115, 134, 163, 182, 334,
340, 348, 351, 368, 380; on
Comm. of accounts, 82, 339;
on Comm. of grievances and
courts of justice, 82, 339;
sent by the Lower House,
3, 7, 24, 76, 85, 147, 322,
346, 366; votes, 87, 93, 136,
137, 141, 142, 146, 154, 158,
159, 183, 187, 190, 200, 209,
346, 348, 352, 366, 371, 372.
Chancery Office, see Secretary's
Chapel of ease, 17, 123; see also
parishes by name.