Assembly, Dissolution of, by
the death of the Proprietary,
xxxiii, 343-344.
Meeting place for, 210, 215-
Season for meeting of, xxi,
xxvi, 4, 76, 86, 310, 333,
335, 344-
Sole right of, to regulate fees,
xxv, 196, 198.
Assistants, Writ of, 428-429,
Assize Bill, 64.
Attachments, Act for the better
regulating, xxxiv, 119, 330,
33i, 332, 333, 351, 375, 380,
384, 386, 387, 388, 389, 410-
419 (text).
Attorneys' fees, 64; see also
Lawyers; Fees of officers
and lawyers.
Auctioneer, Authorization to
employ, 69-70.
Babington, Charles, 321, 362.
Bail, special, Act for taking,
Bailey (Baley), Thomas, 170,
171, 172, 284, 286, 287.
Ball Room [of the Coffee
House], Lower House ses-
sions at, 78, 86, 87, 88.
Baltimore, Frederick [Calvert],
[6th] Lord, xvii, xxxix,
432, 424; see also Proprie-
Baltimore County, Court House
and prison of, Act for tax
to complete, xxxvii, 38, 40,
73, 186, 188, 189, 192, 235,
282-283 (text).
Criminal business of, Act to
regulate, xxxv, 161, 170,
Delegates of, xiv-xv, xvii-
xviii, 76, 89, 95, 317, 334,
347, 363, 368.
[Jail] Goal of, 10, 17, 25, 320,
321, 327, 376.
Justices of, 135.
Roads of, Act for amending
and repairing, 351.
Roads of, act for amending
and repairing, Act to re-
vive and continue, xxii,
xxxvi, xxxviii, 25, 27, 72,
155. 157, 159, 234, 250-251
(text), 321, 323, 332, 357,
359, 363, 369, 389, 396-397
Sheriff of, xiv, xv, 89, 94-95,
327, 378.
Baltimore Town, Enlargement
of, Act for, xxxviii, 325,
326, 332, 367, 372, 375, 376,
389, 397-398 (text).
Baltimore Town, Mob in, 427-
New church at, for St. Paul's
Parish, 135.
Petition of sundry inhabitants
of, to unite Fells Point to
the town, 321, 397.
Prison at, Burning of, xxxvii,
185, 282.
Baltimore Town and Fells Point,
Flour, staves and shingles,
unmerchantable, Act to pre-
vent exportation of, xxxviii,
20, 21, 26-27, 32, 72-73, 103,
129, 131, 135, 139, 157, 235,
261-271 (text).
Banister (Bannister), Edward,
320, 406.
Bank stock belonging to this
Province, Act for the sale
of, xxxv, 331, 385, 386.
Bannister, see Banister.
Barker, Charles Albro, xi, xii.
Barnes, Richard (St. Mary's
County), xviii, 334, 357,
369, 385; on Comm. of
accounts, 339; sent by the
Lower House, 312, 318, 326,
342, 349, 375; votes, 347,
349, 352, 366, 371, 372, 378,
Mrs. Vivian E., xii.
Barnes & Ridgate, 329.
Barnethouse, Philip, 319, 406.
Barron, see Brown.
Barrow, Gilbert, of Talbot
County, Petition by, for
divorce, xxxix, 20, 142, 165,
Baxter, George, 17, 319, 406.
William (Cecil), xv, 75, 79,
89, 90, 161, 209; on Comm.
to enquire into the laws on
the public roads, 94; on
Comm. to enquire into
Louttit petition, 101; sent
by the Lower House, 65,
66, 208. 212. 214. 216: votes.
87, 93, 108, 115, 123, 128,
132, 136, 137, 14I, 142, 147,
154, 158, 169, 183, 184, 187,
190, 200, 210.
Beall, Josias (Josiah) (P. G.),
xiv, xvii, 75, 89, 98, 106, 108,
113, 117, 128, 140, 143, 166,
169, 170, 174, 3", 336, 340,
348, 357, 358, 359, 365, 367,
368, 385; on Comm. to con-
tinue expiring laws, 105; on
Comm. to enquire into Bla-
densburg Warehouse (Dick)
petition, 104, 113; on Comm.
to enquire into Davis peti-
tion, 358; on Comm. to en-
quire into Digges petition,
116; on Comm. to enquire
into Hawkins petition, 186;
on Comm. to enquire into
petition of inhabitants of
Bladensburgh, 138, 214; on
Comm. on expiring laws,
344; on Comm. of griev-
ances and courts of justice,
82, 97, 339; on Comm. to
inspect the ..... Commis-
sioners for emitting bills of
credit, 6, 82, 83, 312, 339, 340;
on Comm. to tax the fees
against the Baltimore
County sheriff, 95; on
Comm. to tax the fees on
the Barrow petition, 166;
on Comm. to tax the fees
against J. F. A. Priggs,
129-130; on Comm. to tax
the fees against the Cecil
County sheriff, 90-91; on
Comm. to tax the fees on
the petition of Robert Henly
Courts, 103, 104; on Comm.
to treat with Joshua Frazier,
about house for Assembly
meetings, 210, 215-216; sent
by the Lower House, 4, 8,
14, 34, 37, 4°, 77, 9i, 119,
187, 208, 322, 330, 346, 366,
385; votes 87, 93, 108, 115,
123, 128, 132, 136, 137, 141,
142, 169, 183, 184, 187, 190,
200, 209, 347, 349, 352, 353,
365, 366, 371, 372, 378, 382.
Beatty, Charles (Frederick), xv,
xviii, 76, 89, 96, 98, 104,
143, 144, 189, 334, 358, 362,
369; on Comm. to enquire
into Davis petition, 358;
sent by the Lower House,
n, 24, 28, 20, 33, 105, 106,
146, 151, 157, 160, 175, 208;
votes, 87, 93, 108, 115, 123,
128, 132, 136, 137, 141, 142,
147, 154, 158, 169, 183, 184,
187, 100, 200, 346, 349, 352,
353, 365, 366, 371, 372, 378,
Bedding, Retention of, by re-
leased debtor, 407.
Belt, Benjamin, 119, 109, 130
Benefit of clergy, Taking away
of, 350, 394, 399.
Bernard, William, & Jett,
Thomas, Act to empower
to sell lands, 384, 402-404
(text); see also Jordan,
John Morton.
Bernard, William, Meriweather,
Reuben, and, Petition of,
328, 380.
Bill, Dissent and protestation
against, 313-316.
Bills defeated, xxxi, 31, 38, 65,
70, 170, 213, 322, 325, 326,
328, 330, 331, 365, 374, 377,
379, 386.
Retention of, in Upper House,
Bills of credit, Act for emitting,
1753, 35-
Bills of credit, Act for the
further emission of, xxxi-
xxxii, 28, 33, 34-35, 128,
148, 158, 159, 160, 168, 169,
176, 181, 354.