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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 404   View pdf image (33K)
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404 Assembly Proceedings, June 15-July 3, 1773.

Liber R. G.

Will and Testament of the said John Morton Jordan mentioned and

Provided nevertheless that the said Thomas Jett and William
Bernard or either of them do not sell or dispose of the said Land
with the Buildings and improvements thereon for less than the sum
of fifteen hundred pounds sterling over and above all such sum or
sums of Money as the said John Morton Jordan in his Lifetime
had or his Executors or Administrators since his decease have payed
and advanced to a certain Joseph Horatio Anderson for erecting a
brick dwelling House thereon.

And be it further Enacted by and with the advice and consent
aforesaid and the Authority of the same That the said Thomas Jett
and William Bernard or one of them shall before such Sale or Sales
of the said Land with the buildings and Improvements thereon made
by them or either of them give Bond with sufficient securities to
the Commissary General of this Province in the same manner and
form as is usual in Cases of Testamentary Estates with Condition
to the same Bond that the said Thomas Jett and William Bernard
or one of them shall and will lay out apply and dispose of the
Monies arising from such Sale or Sales for and towards the pay-
ment and satisfaction of the Debts of the said John Morton Jordan
due and satisfied (if any) and to the satisfaction and discharge
whereof the personal Estate of the said Testator will not extend
and the Over plus thereof lay out apply and dispose of to the uses
and according to the directions of the Will aforesaid and the mean-
ing and Intention of this Act.
And be it further Enacted that the said William Bernard and
Thomas Jett or either or both of them who shall be active in the
said Sale or Sales and negociating the Monies arising therefrom
shall not hereafter claim or charge any Commission whatever for
their Trouble or Risque in the said Business they having voluntarily
undertaken so to do
And be it further Enacted that Reuben Merywether Administrator
with the will annexed of John Morton Jordan be and is hereby
indemnified against any Claim that can or may be made by the
Creditors Legatees or Heir at Law of the said John Morton Jordan
for or by reason of the Sale of the Land and the building and
Improvements thereon aforesaid.

By the Lower House of
Assembly July 2.d 1773.
Read and assented to.
Signed by Order
Jn.° Duckett Cl. Lo. Ho.

On Behalf of the right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I Will this be a Law.
Rob.t Eden

By the Upper House of
Assembly July 2.d 1773.
Read and Assented to
Signed by Order
U Scott Cl. Up. Ho.

the great seal
in Wax appendant

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 404   View pdf image (33K)
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