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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 403   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 403

to the directions of the last Will and Testament of John Morton
Jordan Esquire deceased.

Liber R. G.

Whereas it appears to this General Assembly that John Morton
Jordan Esquire deceased in his Lifetime contracted with a certain
Daniel Wolstenholme for the Purchase of two Acres and one hun-
dred and thirty six square Perches of Land with the Buildings and
Improvements thereon lying and being in the City of Annapolis
which by his last Will and Testament the said John Morton Jordan
directed to be Sold provided a Sum not less than fifteen hundred
Pounds Sterling over and above all such Sum or Sums of Money
as the said John Mortan Jordan in his Lifetime had or his Executors
or Administrators after his Death should Pay and advance to a
certain Joseph Horatio Anderson for Erecting a Brick dwelling
House thereon be got for the same.
And Whereas since the Death of the said John Morton Jordan
by a certain Deed bearing date the twenty ninth day of July in the
year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and seventy two
and Recorded among the Land Records of Ann Arundel County the
said Daniel Wolstenholme hath conveyed the aforesaid two Acres
and one hundred and thirty six square Perches of Land with the
Buildings and Improvements thereon to John Nesbitt Jordan (the
son and Heir at Law of John Morton Jordan deceased) who is an
Infant of tender years by reason whereof the Intention of the said
Testator cannot be complied with and the direction of his said Will
carried into Execution

[A Private

And Whereas application having been made to the General As-
sembly of this Province to pass an Act impowering Thomas Jett
and William Bernard or either of them to Sell and Convey the said
Land with the buildings and improvements thereon agreeable to the
Intention of the said Testator and the directions of his said Will.
Be it therefore enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary by and with the advice and Consent of his Governor and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of
the same that the said Thomas Jett and William Bernard and each
or either of them shall and may and are hereby impowered to sell
and dispose of the said two acres and one hundred and thirty six
square perches of Land with all or any Buildings and Improvements
thereon to the best Advantage to any person or persons inclinable to
purchase the same and by a good and sufficient Deed or Deeds make
over and Convey the said Lands and Improvements thereon to such
purchaser or purchasers in fee simple as fully and effectually as if
the legal Right and Title to the said Land and the buildings and
Improvements thereon were at the Time of the Sale or Sales thereof
vested in the said Thomas Jett and William Bernard or either of
them and the Monies arising from such sale or Sales to lay out apply
and dispose of to the uses and according to the directions in the last

p. 182

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 403   View pdf image (33K)
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