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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 397   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 397

an Act of Assembly of this Province entitled an Act for amending
and repairing the Public Roads in Baltimore County, made at a
Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis the
first Day of November one thousand seven hundred and sixty six
be and is hereby revived and continued in full force from and after
the End of this present session of Assembly for and during the
Term of two years and to the End of the next Session of Assembly
which shall happen after the End of the said two years.

Liber R. G.
County re-
vived and

By the Lower House of
Assembly June 1773.
Read and assented to
Signed by Order
Jn.° Duckett Cl. Lo. Ho.

On Behalf of the right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I will this be a Law
Rob.t Eden

By the Upper House of
Assembly June 1773.
Read and Assented to
Signed by Order
U Scott Cl. Up. Ho.

the great Seal
in Wax Appendant

No. 4 An Act for the Enlargement of Baltimore Town.
Whereas sundry Inhabitants of Baltimore County by their humble
Petition t6 this general Assembly have set forth that there are about
Eighty Acres of Land lying on the East and South East part of
Baltimore Town very commodiously situated and convenient to be
laid out into Lots and made part of the said Town therefore humbly
pray that it may be enacted


And be it enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Governour and the upper
and lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of the same That
the Commissioners of the said Baltimore Town and Jonathan Plow-
man Isaac Vanbebber and John Deaver who are hereby appointed
Commissioners for the Purposes herein mentioned or the Major part
of them do with the Consent of the Proprietors of the said Eighty
Acres of Land or thereabouts by Virtue of this Act at any time they
shall see convenient before the Twentieth day of October next cause
the said eighty Acres of Land or thereabouts to be surveyed and laid
out into Lots, Streets lanes and Alleys, in such manner as to them
shall seem convenient and any Person or Persons that shall Build
or improve on the said eighty Acres of Land or thereabouts after
the same shall be laid out into Lots as by former Laws relating to
the said Town are directed and purchase the same from the Pro-
prietor or Proprietors shall have an absolute Estate of Inheritance
in any Lot or Lots so to be built and purchased but the Purchaser
or Purchasers of any part of the said Eighty Acres or thereabouts
are hereby left to agree with the Proprietor or Proprietors thereof
and not otherwise to have Title to any the said new Lot or Lots to be
laid out in Virtue of this Act.

sioners of
Town &c.
with the Con-
sent of the
of Eighty
Acres of
Land, to
cause the
same to be
laid out into
Lots, Streets,

And whereas there are divers Streets, Lanes, and Allies already
laid out on part of the said Eighty Acres of Land or thereabouts

p. 177

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 397   View pdf image (33K)
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