396 Assembly Proceedings, June 15-July 3, 1773.
Liber R. G.
remain in full force for and during the term of seven Years and
to the End of the next Session of Assembly which shall happen after
the End of the said seven Years That another Act of Assembly
entitled "An Act to oblige infected Ships and other Vessels coming
into this Province to perform Quarantine" made at a Session of
Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis the first day of
November seventeen hundred sixty six be and is hereby continued,
and shall be and remain in full force for and during the term of
three Years and to the End of the next session of Assembly which
shall happen after the End of the said three Years. And That an-
other Act of Assembly entitled "An Act for Licensing Ordinary
Keepers, Hawkers, Pedlars, and Petty Chapmen" made at a Session
of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis the twenty
fourth day of May Seventeen hundred and sixty eight be and is
hereby continued and shall be and remain in full force for and
during the term of seven Years and to the End of the next Session
of Assembly which shall happen after the End of the said seven years.
Provided and be it enacted that the several Lists and Payments
required to be returned and made to the Treasurers of the Western
and eastern Shores of the Province respectively by the Act last before
continued shall from henceforth be returned and made to the
Commissioners appointed or to be appointed by virtue of the Act
entitled "An Act for emitting Bills of Credit, and other Purposes
therein mentioned" by the Times, in the manner and under the same
Penalties as the same by the Act hereby continued were to be re-
turned and paid to the Treasurers aforesaid anything in the said
Act to the contrary notwithstanding and the Monies which shall be
paid to the Commissioners aforesaid by the Sheriffs of the several
and respective Counties of this Province shall be placed out at
Interest on Loan on Bond with good Security, in the same manner
in every Respect as directed, As to the Loan of Bills of Credit by
the said Act.
By the Lower House of
Assembly June 25.th 1773.
Read and Assented to.
Signed by Order
Jn.o Duckett Clk Lo. Ho.
On behalf of the right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I will this be a Law.
Rob.t Eden
By the Upper House of
Assembly June 26.th 1773.
Read and assented to.
Signed by order
U Scott Clk Up. Ho.
the Great seal
in Wax Appendant
No. 3
p. 176
An Act reviving and continuing an Act entitled an Act for amending
and repairing the Public Roads in Baltimore County
[An Act for
repairing the
Roads in
Be it enacted by the right honourable the Lord Proprietary by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Governor and the upper
and lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of the same. That