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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 35   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 35

and even having taken their Rise in the Upper House, and such
moreover are the very peculiar Circumstances of the present Busi-
ness, that we must think your Complaint of Innovation, and claim
of privilege to be most extraordinary; for when the original Bill of
1733 for Emitting Bills of Credit was sent hither, the Upper House

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 18

judging many Amendments to be expedient proposed a Conference,
which took place on the Occasion. Members appointed by each House
attended this Conference, various and most material Alterations were
proposed, and adopted. The original Bill as framed in the Lower
House, was for emitting only £72,000 in Bills of Credit, but the
Sum was agreed on the Conference to be augmented to £90,000.
By the express Terms of this Bill which passed into a Law in 1733,
any Money remaining in Bank, and Monies lent, and the Interests
thereof, after sinking the £90,000, were subjected to such Application
and disposal as the Assembly of this Province should think proper
and we need not surely prove by Argument, that the surplus Money
thus became expressly and equally subject to our and your Appli-
cation, or that this very surplus, so Subjected, is the foundation of
the Emission You have proposed.
According to your present extensive Ideas of a Money Bill and
of privilege, th'o by your Bill forty two Thousand six Hundred and
Sixty six Dollars and two third parts of a Dollar might be applied
hereafter to the purpose of Establishing a Seminary of Learning in
this Province, in such manner as should be directed by Act of the
general Assembly thereof, yet the Upper House might be precluded
from considering what System of Instruction, and Enforcements of
Discipline would be most proper.
The original Bill, which passed into a Law in 1733, having been
framed and corrected in the manner we have related. The Surplus
Money therefrom having been expressly subjected as well to our as
your disposal, and this surplus being the Foundation of the Emission
you have proposed, your Claim of Privilege and the obvious Conse-
quence of its Admission, render the firmest adherence to our Amend-
ment indispensable, and we trust that whilst we act upon these prin-

p. 562

ciples Candour will acquit us of all Designs to multiply the Topics of
Controversy which indeed are already too many.

Signed by Order. U. Scott Cl. Up. Ho.
Adjourned until 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon

Eodem Die post Meridiem
The House met again according to Adjournment

Present as in the Morning. Smallwood and Harrison attend with Francis Ware
and Josiah Hawkins, two Members Elected for Charles County to

p. 563

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 35   View pdf image (33K)
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