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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 34   View pdf image (33K)
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34 Assembly Proceedings, October 2-November 30, 1771.

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 16

a sufficient Time for the whole Legislature to agree in the scheme of
establishing a Seminary of Learning, that if any Circumstances
should unluckily happen to prevent the Assembly from attending to
this Object the Time might and undoubtedly would be lengthened,
and that if unhappily contrary to our Expectation and earnest wish
an Agreement therein should not within that Time be likely to be
effected, it is much more prudent that the present Bill should ex-
plicitly declare what shall be done with the forty two Thousand six
Hundred and Sixty six Dollars and two third parts of a Dollar,
than that we should be now laying the Foundation for another Dis-
pute, to be added to the number Subsisting, which are already too
many. We have therefore returned your Honours the Bill in hopes
that these Considerations will induce you to pass it.
Signed by Order John Duckett Cl. Lo. ho.

p. 561 Beall and Tyler bring up a Bill entitled "An Act impower-
ing the Justices of Prince Georges and Charles Counties, to Levy
on the Taxable Inhabitants of Saint Johns commonly called King
Georges Parish in said Counties the Quantity of fifty six Thousand
pounds of Tobacco for the purposes therein mentioned."
Adjourned until Monday Morning 10 of the Clock

Nov. 18

Monday Morning of November 1771.
The House met again according to Adjournment


Benedict Calvert Esq William Hay ward Esq
Daniel Dulany Esq and
The Honble John Ridout Esq Daniel of S.t Tho.s
Walter Dulany Esq Jenifer Esq
George Steuart Esq

The following Message is Sent to the Lower House together with
the Bill entitled "An Act for the further Emission of Bills of Credit"
by Daniel Dulany Esq
By the Upper House of Assembly of November 1771.

Your Message of the Instant with the Bill entitled "An Act
for the further Emission of Bills of Credit" seems to import that
our Amendments of Bills, you call Money Bills are of late date but
we must take the Liberty to observe that the Journals demonstrate
the Contrary in the clearest manner and if the Course of presedents
be attended to, abundant Instances must occur not only of Amend-
ments of real Money Bills by the Upper House admitted by the
Lower, but of these Bills framed in a Committee of both Houses,

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 34   View pdf image (33K)
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