Read the second Time in this House the Bill, entitled "An Act
for the Enlargement of Baltimore Town," and will Pass. So
Endorsed and sent to the Lower House by John Ridout Esq
Mess.rs Hawkins and Waters bring up the following Bills Read
the first and second Time in the Lower House & will Pass.
A Bill entitled "An Act concerning Provincial Grand Jurors."
A Bill entitled "An Act to enable the Undertaker for Building
the State House to cover the same with Shingles."
A Bill entitled "An Act to continue the Acts therein mentioned,"
and a Bill entitled "An Act to enable the Commissioners for Emitting
Bills of Credit to provide Stationary for the use of the Upper and
Lower Houses of Assembly."
Read the first Time in this House, the Bill entitled "An Act con-
cerning Provincial Grand Jurors" and also the Bill entitled "An Act
to enable the Undertaker for Building the State House to cover the
same with Shingles," and will not Pass. These two Bills were sever-
ally Endorsed and sent to the Lower House by George Steuart
Read the first and second Time by an Especial Order in this House
the Bill, entitled "An Act to continue the Acts therein mentioned,"
and will Pass with the following Amendments Viz.t After the Word
"Force" in the Twelfth line, insert the following Words Viz.t "for
and during the Term of seven years and." So Endorsed and sent
to the Lower House by George Steuart Esquire
Read the First and Second Time, by an Especial Order in this
House the Bill entitled "An Act to enable the Commissioners for
Emitting Bills of Credit to Purchase Stationary for the Use of the
Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly" and will Pass. So Endorsed
and sent to the Lower House by George Steuart Esquire.
Read and referred to the Consideration of the Lower House of
Assembly the Petition of James Kendricks, the Petition of the Ves-
p. 666