U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
June 26
to us of the Reasons, which may have induced you to entertain the
Opinion that the Act of 1701-2, was not enacted by legal and con-
stitutional Authority, and is therefore void.
We are not only persuaded, that the declared Foundation of your
Bill is entirely detective; but also that the Provisions of it, aiming
to establish an Equality in the respective Incomes of the Ministers,
p. 664
would if admitted, impose an unequal Tax on the People, and op-
pressive on such as reside in some of the small Parishes, as well as
damp the emulous Exertions of Merit, which the hopes of Prefer-
ment are wont to animate.
Signed by Order U Scott Cl. Up. Ho.
Mess.rs Paca and Gilpin bring up the following Bills, Read the
first and second Time in the Lower House and will Pass.
A Bill, entitled "An Act to prevent Counterfeiting the Paper
Money of other Colonies."
A Bill, entitled "An Act to enable the Commissioners for Emitting
Bills of Credit to pay the Executors of Philip Hammond the Sum
of Money therein mentioned."
A Bill, entitled "An Act for the Independency of the Justices, the
enlargement of the County Court Jurisdiction in Cases of Equity,
and the Authority of Deputy Commissaries."
Adjourned until three of the Clock in the Afternoon.
Eodem Die Post Meridiem.
The House met again according to Adjournment.
Present as in the Morning.
Read the first and second Time, by an Especial Order, in this
House the Bill entitled "An Act to prevent Counterfeiting the Paper
Money of other Colonies," and will Pass. So Endorsed and sent
to the Lower House by William Hayward Esq
Ordered that Notice be given by the Clerk of this House to the
Executor of Philip Hammond deceased, or any of his Representa-
tives, and also to Mess.rs Alexander Cumming, John Campbell, and
James Williams Executor of James Keith deceased, that a Bill en-
titled "An Act to enable the Commissioners for Emitting Bills of
Credit to pay the Executor of Philip Hammond deceased the Sum
of Money therein mentioned," now in this House will have a second