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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 30   View pdf image (33K)
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30 Assembly Proceedings, October 2-November 30, 1771.

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 9

full and sufficient Acquittal and Discharge against all Debts due
from such Debtor or Debtors before such Sale provided that in Case
it shall appear to the satisfaction of the said Justices that any of the
said Debtors have offered since their Confinement to make satisfac-
tion to their Creditors by Servitude and that their Creditors have
refused to accept the same that the Time such Debtors have been
confined in prison shall be deemed and taken as part of the aforesaid
five Years, and that they shall be obliged to serve only for such Time
as will Compleat five Years from the Day of such offer of Servitude.
And that in Case any such single Persons as aforesaid have been
confined in Prison for Five Years or any longer Time that the said
Persons so confined shall be discharged upon the same Terms and in
the same manner that persons having Families are by this Act
directed to be discharged So Endorsed and Sent to the Lower House
by Daniel of S.t Tho.s Jenifer Esquire.

Adjourned until Monday Morning 10 of the Clock

Nov. n

Monday Morning November 1771.
The House met again according to Adjournment

P. 556


Charles Hammond Esq William Fitzhugh Esq
Daniel Dulany Esq Daniel of Saint Thomas

John Ridout Esq Jenifer Esq
The Honble
Walter Dulany Esq and

John Beale Bordley Esq George Plater Esq
George Steuart Esq

Adjourned until to Morrow Morning 10 of the Clock

Nov. 12

Tuesday Morning of November 1771.
The House met again according to Adjournment

Present as Yesterday and Benedict Calvert Esq
Read and referred to the Consideration of the Lower House of
Assembly the Petition of the Rector Church Wardens, Vestrymen
and others Inhabitants of Saint Johns, commonly called King
Georges Parish. So Endorsed and Sent by Daniel of Saint Thomas
Jenifer Eq Thomas and Moale bring up a Bill entitled "An Act to
enable the Commissioners for Emitting Bills of Credit to pay to
William Mills, John Peacock Peter Payne Executor of Ralph Price,
and Anne Gaither the Sum of Money therein mentioned." Read the
first and second Time in the Lower House and will pass, which was

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 30   View pdf image (33K)
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