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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 29 Wootton and Beatty bring up a Bill entitled "An Act for
the Security of Purchasers and others, being Protestants claiming
by or from Aliens." Read the first and second Time in the Lower
House and will Pass, which was Read the first and second Time, by
an especial Order in this House and will pass with the following
Amendment Viz.t

After the word "Persons" in the line of the first Page Strike
out the words "being Protestants." So Endorsed and sent to the
Lower House by Daniel Dulany Esq.

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 9 Mackall and Contee bring up a Bill "An Act to empower
Frank Leek and George Digges, Administrators of Charles Digges
late of Prince Georges County Deceased, with the last Will of the
same Charles to their Letters of Administration annexed, to Sell a
Lott of Ground, of the same Charles, situate and being in the Town
of Marlborough in Prince Georges County aforesaid, for the Pay-
ment of the Debts of the said Charles Digges." Read the first and
second Time in the Lower House and will Pass, which was Read the
first and second Time, by an especial Order in this House and will
Pass. So Endorsed and Sent to the Lower House by William Hay-
ward Esq

Read the second Time in this House a Bill entitled "An Act for
the Relief of certain Prisoners, in the several Goals therein men-
tioned" and will pass with the following Amendments Vizt After
the words "Zachariah Wade" in the line of the first Page, insert
the words "James Steward." After the word "aforesaid" in the
last line of the sixth Page, add the following Clause Vizt And be
it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that if any of the
Persons intended to be relieved by this Act are and shall be of suffi-
cient ability of Body to Labour such person or persons not having
a Wife or Family shall be and are hereby obliged to serve for a time
not exceeding five years to any Person or Persons who are or shall
be inclined to Purchase the Time of Servitude of such Debtor or
Debtors and that the respective Sheriffs in whose Custody the afore-
said Debtors or any of them are be and are hereby authorized and
obliged to Summon Two Justices of the Peace in the respective
Counties at the request of the said Prisoners as soon as conveniently
may be after the End of this Session of Assembly and after giving
five days Notice at the Court House of the respective Counties of the
intended Sale of such Debtor or Debtors expose to Sale in the

p. 554

Presence of the said Justices such Debtor or Debtors and the time
of his or their Servitude to the highest Bidder and the Money aris-
ing from such Sale shall be as Effects of such Debtor or Debtors in
the Hands of the respective Sheriffs Subject as aforesaid to a
Distribution in manner aforesaid and the Sale and Service of such
Debtor or Debtors as aforesaid is hereby directed to be taken as a

p. 555

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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