Acts. 253
Examination the Owner shall procure to be made, within the Space
of twenty Days, & the said Inspector shall & may demand & receive,
from the Owner or Owners thereof the same Rate & Prices as if the
same had been branded. And in Case the said Inspector should store
the Flower so to be reexamined as aforesaid then & in that Case the
said Inspector shall be allowed two Pence Current Money for each
Barrel so stored.
Liber R. G.
And be it further enacted That when any Person or Persons shall
think him, her or themselves aggrieved through the Judgment or
Want of Skill of the said Inspector, in rejecting the said Flour as
unmerchantable it shall & may be lawful for him, her, or them to
apply to a Justice of the Peace who shall at the Charge of the Com-
plainant, issue his Warrant, directed to three indifferent Persons,
well skilled in the said Manufacture of Flour to review & examine
the same, which said three Persons so as aforesaid appointed shall
take the same Oath, or Affirmation if a Quaker, as by this Act is
herein after directed to be taken by the said Inspector of Flour;
& shall carefully view & examine the same, & if they or any two of
may apply
to a Justice
of the Peace,
who shall
issue his
Warrant to
Three indif-
ferent Per-
sons to
such Flour;]
p. 117
them shall pass & declare the same to be merchantable, then & in
such Case the said Officer shall raze out the broad Arrow & put
such Brand on the said Flour, as they or any two of them shall
adjudge & determine, & repay to the said Complainant, the said Cost,
but if on such Review, the Judgment of the said Officer is confirmed,
then & in such Case the said Owner of such Flower, shall pay the
Cost of such Review.
[and if found
such Officer
to rase out
the broad
Arrow, &c.]
And be it further enacted That the said three Persons & each of
them for their Trouble shall & may demand & receive the Sum of
two Pence Current Money for each Barrel by them reviewed.
And be it further enacted that it shall not be lawful for any
[Two Pence
Currency to
be paid for
each Barrel
Person or Persons whatsoever, to export, ship or lade, on Board
of any Ship or Vessel for Exportation out of this Province any of
the Casks or Barrels of the said Flour, so marked with a broad
Arrow as aforesaid, or to export, ship, or lade on Board of any Ship
or Vessel for Exportation from out of Patowmack River, any of
the Casks or Barrels of the said Flour, which shall be brought to
George Town aforesaid, not be examined & branded as aforesaid on
Pain of Forfeiture of fifty Shillings Current Money for each & every
Barrel so exported or laden on Board of any ship or other Vessel
for Exportation.
[Persons ex-
porting, &c.
Flour con-
trary to this
Act, to for-
feit 50 s. Cur-
rency for
each Barrel.]
And be it further enacted That the said Inspector of Flour, shall
on his Appointment, & before his executing the said Office make
Oath, or Affirmation if a Quaker, before a Justice of the Peace,
that without Fear Favor Affection, Malice, Partiality or Respect of
Persons, he will diligently & carefully view, examine & inspect all
Flour brought to George Town aforesaid, & which shall be called
upon to view examine & inspect to the Best of his Skill & Knowledge,