252 Assembly Proceedings, October 2-November 30, 1771.
Liber R. G.
Authority, as if he had been by the said Commissioners, regularly
nominated & appointed.
brought for
to be made
able, &c.]
p. 116
And be it further enacted, That all Wheat Flour, bolted & brought
to the said Town for Exportation from & after the first Day of
January next shall by the Bolters thereof be made merchantable, &
of due Fineness, without any Mixture of coarser or other Flour, &
well packed in good strong well-seasoned Casks with the Tare thereof
marked thereon.
putting a
wrong Tare
on any Cask
of Flour, to
forfeit 10 s.
And be it further enacted That if any Person or Persons, shall
put a false or wrong Tare, on any Cask of Flour more than one
Pound Weight to the Disadvantage of the Purchaser, such Person
or Persons shall forfeit & pay for every such Cask, wrongfully or
falsely tared as aforesaid the Sum of ten Shillings Current Money, &
the Inspector upon Suspicion or upon the Request of the Buyer,
shall uncase or unpack any such Cask of Flour, in Order to try the
Tare thereof, & if the said Cask or Casks, be found to be tared,
more than one Pound less than the true Weight, the Bolter thereof
shall pay the Charge & Expence of unpacking or uncasing & repack-
ing or recasing over & above the Sum of two Pence Current Money
for each Cask as aforesaid but if the Weight of the same, is not
more than one Pound less than the Tare thereon marked, then the
Officer, or Purchaser at whose Request such Trial be made shall
pay the Costs of unpacking or uncasing & repacking or recasing.
[Casks of
Flour for
shall be
to the In-
spector, and
if merchant-
able to be
branded with
the Degree
of Fineness.]
And be it further enacted That all & every Cask of Flower brought
to the said Town, to be from thence laden & shipped for Exporta-
tion, shall be submitted to the View & Examination of the Inspector
aforesaid, so as aforesaid nominated & appointed, who shall search &
try the same, by boring the Head & piercing it through, with an In-
strument to be contrived for that Purpose, in Order to prove whether
it be honestly & well packed, as also to enable him to judge of it's
Goodness & shall afterwards plug up the Hole, & if the said Officer
shall judge the same to be merchantable, according to the Directions
of this present Act, he shall brand every such Cask of Flour on the
Quarter, with the Word George Town Patowmack, with a public
Brand Mark to be provided for that Purpose & shall also brand &
mark the Degree of Fineness which he shall on Inspection determine
the said Flour to be of, which Degree shall be distinguished as fol-
lows, to wit, Superfine, fine Middling, Ship Stuff, for which Trouble
he the said Inspector shall have & receive of the Owner of such
Flour the Sum of one Penny & an half of a Penny current Money,
for each Cask & no more.
Flour to be
marked on
the Bilge
with a broad
And be it further enacted That the said Inspector of Flour shall
not brand any Flour, which shall prove on Examination thereof to be
unmerchantable according to the true Intent & Meaning of this Act,
but shall cause the same to be marked on the Bilge, with a broad
Arrow, or secure it for a further Examination if required which