taxable Inhabitants of the said County a Quantity of Tobacco for
the Purpose of building a Court House
N.° 18. An Act to impower ffrank Leeke and George Digges,
Administrators of Charles Digges late of Prince George's County
deceased with the last Will of the same Charles to their Letters of
Administration annexed to sell a Lot of Ground of the same Charles
situate and being in the Town of Upper Marlbrough in Prince
George's County aforesaid for the Payment of the Debts of the
said Charles Digges
N.° 19. An Additional Supplementary Act to the Act entitled,
An Act for the Relief of the Poor within the several Counties therein
N.° 20. An Act to enable the Commissioners for emitting Bills
of Credit to pay to William Mills, John Peacock, Peter Payne,
Executor of Ralph Price, and Ann Gaither, the Sums of Money
therein mentioned
N.° 21. An Act to prevent the Exportation of fflour, Staves and
Shingles, not merchantable, from the Town of Baltimore or Fell's
Point in Baltimore County, and to regulate the Weight of Hay,
and Measure of Grain, Salt, max Seed, and ffire Wood within the
said Town
L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Nov. 30
N.° 22. An Act continuing An Act entitled An Act for licensing
Ordinary Keepers Hawkers Pedlers and Petty Chapmen
N.° 23. An Act for the Relief of certain Prisoners in the several
Jails therein mentioned
N.° 24. An Act to remedy divers Defects in the Records of Charles
N.° 25. An Act for the further Adjournment and Continuance of
the High Court of Appeals
N.° 26. An Act for the Adjournment and Continuance of Fred-
erick County Court
N.° 27. An Act empowering the Justices of Prince George's and
Charles Counties, to levy on the taxable Inhabitants of S.t John's,
commonly called King George's, Parish, in said Counties, the Quan-
tity of fifty six thousand Pounds of Tobacco for the Purposes therein
N.° 28. An Act for the Naturalization of Charles Frederick
N.° 29. An Act to levy on the taxable Inhabitants of Baltimore
County the Quantity of three hundred thousand Pounds of Tobacco
for finishing and completing the Court House and Prison of the
said County
N.° 30. An Act to impower Elizabeth Williams Administratrix
of George Williams with the Will annexed to make and execute
the Conveyances therein mentioned
p. 301