L H. J.
Liber No. 54
Nov. 30
N.° 2. An Act for the Adjournment and Continuance of the High
Court of Appeals
N.° 3. An Act impowering the Justices of Prince George's and
Frederick Counties, to levy on the taxable Persons of Prince George's
Parish in said Counties the Sum of six thousand Pounds of Tobacco,
for building a new Parish Church, at or near the Place where the
old One now stands
N.° 4. A Supplementary Act to the Act entitled An Act for build-
ing a Parish Church in Queen Anne Parish in Prince George's County
N.° 5. An Act continuing An Act entitled An Act to establish a
Market at the Market House in Chester Town in Kent County and
for the Regulation of the said Market
N.° 6. An Act continuing An Act entitled An Act for the Preser-
vation of the Breed of Fish
N.° 7. An Act for imposing a further additional Duty of five
Pounds Current Money per Poll on all Negroes imported into this
N.° 8. A Supplementary Act to the Act entitled An Act for the
building of a Parish Church in Christ Church Parish, in Calvert
N.° 9. An Act to impower the Justices of Somerset and Worcester
Counties to levy on the taxable Inhabitants of Stepney Parish in
said Counties the Sum of sixty thousand Pounds of Tobacco for
the Uses therein mentioned, and to establish the Church at Green
Hill, the Parish Church for said Parish
N.° 10. An Act to impower the Justices of Worcester County to
levy on the taxable Inhabitants of All-Hallow's Parish in said County
the Quantity of Thirty two thousand Pounds of Tobacco for the
Uses therein mentioned.
N.° 11. An Act for preventing trivial Suits in the Provincial
N.° 12. An Act for confirming to Samuel Cookson of Baltimore
County, sundry Lands therein mentioned
N.° 13. An Act to prohibit raising Swine and Geese in George
Town in Frederick County
N.° 14. An Act reviving and continuing An Act entitled An Act
for amending and repairing the publick Roads in Baltimore County
N.° 15. An Act to divide Prince George's Parish in Frederick
County, and to erect one new Parish by the Name of Christ Church
N.° 16. An Act to prevent the Exportation of fflour, not merchant-
able, from George Town in Frederick County
N.° 17. A Supplementary Act to the Act entitled An Act to enable
the Justices of Dorchester County Court to assess and levy on the