live in Peace and Friendship with our Brethren the English, and
therefore it grieves us to see some of the Nations about Us and
your People ready to strike at each other. We find your People
are very fond of our rich Land: We see them quareling with each
other every Day about Land, and burning one anothers Houses,
so that we do not know how soon they may come over the River Ohio
and drive us trom our Villages, nor do we see you, Brethren, take
any Care to stop them. It is now several years since we have met
together in Council, which all Nations are surprised and concerned
at. What is the Reason you kindled at the Ohio for Us to meet
you, which we did and talked friendly together, that you have let
the fire go out for some Years past? This makes all Nations jealous
about Us, as we also frequently hear of our Brethren the English
meeting with the Cherokees and with the six Nations, to strengthen
their Friendship, which gives us Cause to think you are forming
some bad Designs against Us who live between the Ohio and the
Lakes. I have now told you every Thing that is in my Heart, and
desire you write what I have said, and send it to the great King
Kill Buck, Speaker.
A Belt
Which were severally read
M.r Grahame from the Conference, delivers to M.r Speaker the
following Paper
The Stile of the Paper now delivered by the Conferrees of the
Lower House, is so consistent with the Spirit of their other Pro-
ceedings, that we are not surprised at it, and most willingly con-
sent an End may be put to an Intercourse so extremely dis-
p. 284