478 Appendix.
Authority or Colour of the Office or Deputation which ought to be
forfeited, or not occupied, or not enjoyed by the Person so offending,
as is aforesaid, after the said Offence so by such Person committed
or done, and before such Person so offending, for the same Offence,
be removed from the Exercise, Administration and Occupation of
the said Office or Deputation, shall be and remain good and sufficient
in Law, to all Intents, Constructions, and Purposes, in such like
Manner and Form as the same should, or ought to have remained
and been, if this Act had never been made.
And be it further enacted, That every Person who shall be nomi-
nated, elected or appointed to the Office of Chancelor, or Keeper of
the Great Seal, Secretary, Commissary General, Register of the Land-
Office, or by whatever other Denomination the Person or Persons
shall be called to whom the said Office and Perquisites shall be com-
mitted, County Clerks, Sheriffs, Surveyor-General and his Deputies,
Judge of the Admiralty Court, Examiner-General and Naval Officer,
before he shall enter upon the Execution of the said Office, shall,
before a Provincial or County Justice, take the following Oath,
to wit: "I, A.B. do swear, that I have not given or paid, nor will I
give or pay, any Sum or Sums of Money, or other Reward what-
soever, other than the lawful Fees, nor have given any Bond, or
other Assurance, to pay any Money, Fee or Profit, directly or in-
directly, to any Person or Persons whomsoever, for the Nomination
or Appointment of me to the Office of nor hath any
other Person, with my Consent, or to my Knowledge or privity,
paid, or given any Sum or Sums of Money, or other Reward what-
soever, nor given any Bond or other Assurance or Promise, to pay
any Money, Fee or Profit, directly or indirectly, to any Person or
Persons whomsoever, for the Nomination or Appointment of me
to the said Office. So help me God," under the Penalty of One
Thousand Pounds Sterling, to be recovered with Costs, in the Name
of the Lord Proprietary, and the Informer by Action of Debt
founded on this Act, in which it shall be sufficient to alledge, that
the Defendant is indebted in the aforesaid Sum of Money, whereby
Action accrued according to the Form of this Act of Assembly, with-
out setting forth the Special Matter, provided a short Note, express-
ing the Cause of Action, be lodged in the Office at the Time of issuing
the Writ, One Half to the Informer, and the other Half to be paid
to the Sheriff of the County in which the Recovery shall happen,
to be by him paid to the Commissioners for emitting Bills of Credit
for the Use of the Publick of this Province; and in Case there shall
be no Informer, the said Penalty may be recovered by Indictment,
and paid in the Manner, and to such Persons as aforesaid, for the
Use of the Publick. And the Justice or Justices, before whom such
Oath shall be taken, shall give a Certificate thereof under his Hand,
which Certificate shall be entered in the Records of the Provincial