Appendix. 477
tations of any of the said Office or Offices, or any Part of any of
them, shall not only lose and forfeit all his and their Right, Interest
and Estate, which such Person or Persons shall then have, of, in, or
to any of the said Office or Offices, Deputation or Deputations, or
any Part of any of them, or of, in, or to the Gift or Nomination
of any of the said Office or Offices, Deputation or Deputations for
the which Office or Offices, or for the Deputation or Deputations
of which Office or Offices, or for any Part of them, any such Person
or Persons shall so make any Bargain or Sale, or take or receive
any Sum of Money, Fee, Reward or Profit, or any Promise, Cove-
nant, Bond or Assurance to have or receive any Fee, Reward, Money
or Profit, but also that, that all and every such Person or Persons,
who shall, directly or indirectly, give or pay any Sum of Money,
Reward or Fee, or shall make any Promise, Agreement, Bond or
Assurance, for any of the said Offices, or for the Deputation or
Deputations of any of the said Office or Offices, or any Part of any
of them, shall immediately, by and upon the same Fee, Money or
Reward, given or paid, or upon any such Promise, Covenant, Bond
or Agreement, had or made for any Fee, Sum of Money, or Reward
to be paid, as is aforesaid, be adjudged a disabled Person in the
Law, to all Intents and Purposes, to have, occupy or enjoy the said
Office or Offices, Deputation or Deputations, or any Part of any of
them, for the which, such Person or Persons, shall so give or pay
any Sum of Money, Fee or Reward, or make any Promise, Cove-
nant, Bond, or other Assurance to give or pay any Sum of Money,
Fee or Reward, or any other Office or Offices, or any Part or Parcel
of them, that in any wise touch or concern the Administration or
Execution of Justice, or any Service of Trust. And if any Person
or Persons shall, at any Time hereafter, be appointed or nominated
to any of the said Offices, by or through the Means or Procurement
of any other Person, who shall pay any Sum of Money, Reward or
Fee, or shall make any Promise, Covenant, Bond, or other Assur-
ance, to give or pay any Sum of Money, Fee or Reward, and to
which he shall not be privy, such Persons shall thereupon, and from
thenceforth be adjudged a disabled Person in Law, to have, occupy
or enjoy the said Office or Offices, Deputation or Deputations, or
any Part of them.
And be it also enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and
every such Bargains, Sales, Promises, Bonds, Agreements, Cove-
nants and Assurances as before Specified, shall be void, to and against
him and them by whom any such Bargain, Sale, Bond, Promise,
Covenant or Assurance, shall be had or made.
Provided also, That if any Person or Persons, do hereafter offend
in any Thing contrary to the Tenor and Effect of this Act, yet that
notwithstanding all Judgments given, and all other Act and Acts,
executed or done by any such Person or Persons so offending, by