of such Offer of Servitude; and that in Case any such single Per-
sons as aforesaid, have been confined in Prison for five Years, or
any longer Time, that the said Persons so confined, shall be dis-
charged upon the same Terms, and in the same Manner that Per-
sons having Families are by this Act directed to be discharged."
And the Bill, entitled, An Act to enable the Commissioners for
emitting Bills of Credit, to pay to John Duckett, William Mills, and
John Peacock, the Sums of Money therein mentioned; thus indorsed:
"By the Upper House of Assembly, November 10.th 1770: Read
the first and second Time, by an especial Order, and will pass with
the following Amendment. Leave out all that relates to the Pay-
ment of One hundred and thirty six Dollars to M.r John Duckett,
and let an Allowance be made to him in the Journal, in the same
Manner as Allowances have been usually made to others for similar
Services Signed by Order U Scott Cl. Up. Ho."
Which were read here with the Amendments, and ordered to lie
on the Table.
John Ridout, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to M.r
Speaker, the Bill, entitled, An Act impowering Edward Tilghman,
Solomon Wright, and others, to sell certain Lands devised by Colonel
Vincent Lowe, formerly of Talbot County, to be sold for the Pur-
poses by the said Devise intended; thus indorsed: "By the Upper
House of Assembly, November 10.th 1770: Read the first and
second Time, by an especial Order, and will pass.
Signed by Order U Scott Cl. Up. Ho."
Which was read here and passed for ingrossing
The House adjourns till Monday Morning Eight O'Clock
L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Nov. 10
Monday November 12:th 1770
The House met according to Adjournment.
The honourable Brice Thomas Beale Worthington, Esq; having
signified that he was unable to attend the Business of the House,
M.r N. Thomas, and M.r Mackall are ordered to acquaint his Ex-
cellency that this House is without a Speaker.
John Ridout, Esq; from the Upper House, acquaints the Members
of the Lower House, that the Governor requires their Attendance
in the Upper House
The Members of the Lower House accordingly attended his Ex-
cellency in the Upper House, where his Excellency required them to
return to their House and choose a Speaker
The Members of the Lower House accordingly returned, and
unanimously made Choice of Edward Tilghman, Esq; to be their
Speaker, and placed him in the Chair
Nov. 12