378 Assembly Proceedings, November 5-21, 1770.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Nov. 7
Ordered, That M.r John Hall, M.r Chase, M.r Johnson, M.r W.
Paca, M.r Tilghman and M.r Ringgold, do prepare an Address to
his Excellency respecting the State of the publick Offices
The House adjourns till To-morrow Morning 8 O'Clock
Nov. 8
Thursday, November 8:th 1770
The House met according to Adjournment.
The Members were called and all appeared as on Yesterday.
The Proceedings were read
On Motion, Leave given to bring in a Bill agreeable to the Prayer
of the Petition of Edward Tilghman, Solomon Wright, and others,
which was granted by both Houses of Assembly last Session
M.r Tilghman brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker an Address
to his Excellency; which was read, unanimously approved of, and
ordered to be ingrossed
Daniel Dulany, Esq from the Upper House, delivers to M.r
Speaker the following Message
p. 149
By the Upper House of Assembly, 8:th of November 1770.
We have considered the Bill, entitled, An Act for amending the
Staple of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in his Majesty's Customs,
and for the Regulation of Officers flees, and think it very exception-
able in many Respects; but as the Tranquillity and Welfare of the
Province depend very much upon a Regulation of our Staple of
Tobacco, and the ffees of Officers, we propose a Conference with
your House upon the Bill.
Signed by Order U Scott Cl. Up. Ho.
Which was read and ordered to lie on the Table
The following Message
By the Lower House of Assembly November 8:th 1770
May it please your Honours
This House hath appointed M.r Worthington, M.r Ringgold, M.r
Grahame, M.r Beall, M.r Dickinson, and M.r Contee, to join One or
more Members of your House as a Committee to inspect the Office
and Proceedings of the Commissioners for emitting Bills of Credit
established by Act of Assembly
Signed by Order Jn.o Duckett Cl. Lo. Ho.
was sent to the Upper House by M.r Worthington and M.r Gra-
They return and acquaint M.r Speaker they delivered the Message
M.r Ringgold brings in, and delivers to M.r Speaker, a Bill, entitled,