in Talbot County" — Read the first and Second time in the Lower
House and will Pass.
Mess:rs Wootton and Heugh bring up a Bill, entitled, "A Supple-
mentary Act to the Act entitled An Act for the Relief of the poor
within the several Counties therein mentioned." Read the first and
second Time in the Lower House and will Pass.
Adjourned until three of the Clock in the Afternoon.
Eodem Die Post Meridiem.
The House met again according to Adjournment.
Present as in the Morning.
Mess:rs Johnson and Hall from the Lower House bring up the
following Message.
By the Lower House of Assembly 15:th November 1770.
May it please your Honours.
We are apprehensive, from your Message of the 13th Instant
..... [The message beginning thus is printed in full in the Lower
House Journal, pp. 401-402..]