And the Judges and Justices in and of the several Courts within
this Province are required and enjoined not to permit or suffer any
Attorney or Lawyer to practice in their respective Courts unless such
Attorney or Lawyer shall first take and subscribe in open Court the
Oath aforesaid.
Provided always that this Act or any Thing therein contained shall
not extend to hinder any Attorney or Lawyer from finishing and
bringing to a Determination the Suits or Causes now depending and
in which they have been really and actually employed by any Party
or Parties interested therein. Which was read here with the Amend-
ments and unanimously rejected.
John Beale Bordley Esq from the Upper House delivers to M.r
Speaker a Bill entitled An Act for the Relief of Thomas Weems
thus indorsed "By the Upper House of Assembly I:st November
1770 Read the first and second Time by an especial Order and
Will pass Signed by Order U Scott Cl. Up. Ho."
Which was read here and past for ingrossing
The Serjeant at Arms attending this House makes Return of the
Order of this Day, to him directed, thus indorsed
"Cepi Robert Sanders Serj.t at Arms."
The House being informed that M.r William Steuart was attend-
ing at the Door in Obedience to the Order of this House; Ordered
That he be called in He appeared accordingly and alledged that he
acted in Obedience to the Orders of his Principals, and that he must
continue so to act until otherwise ordered by them
Ordered, That the said William Steuart for his said Offence be
committed Prisoner to the Public Goal in the Custody of the Sheriff
of Ann Arundel County And that M.r Speaker do issue his Warrant
accordingly. Which he did in the following Words
"By the Lower House of Assembly November 1770
You are hereby authorised and required to receive into your Cus-
tody the Body of William Steuart, of the City of Annapolis, Gentle-
man, herewith sent you, for taking Notes of Hand, as Clerk of the
Land-Office for the Payment of ffees contrary to Law, for imposing
an Oath, as a Justice of the Peace, not appointed and required by