L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Oct. 20
p. 112
Then M.r John Smith being called upon appeared and alledged that
he never signed the said Petition or was privy or assenting to the
same; and that he was at Carlisle, in Pensylvania, at the Time he
understood the Petition was signed and then he was ordered to
M.r John Purviance being called upon, appeared, and alledged, that
he never signed the said Petition or was privy or assenting to the
same. And then he was ordered to withdraw.
M.r James Sterrett being called upon appeared, and alledged, that
when ill in Bed, M.rs Sterrett informed him, that M.r Jones and some
Gentlemen, were waiting upon him to sign a Petition to the Governor
and Assembly relating to the Election of Baltimore County: That
upon being told by M.rs Sterrett, that the Gentlemen attending,
informed her, that all the Gentlemen in Town were subscribing the
said Petition, he then told M.rs Sterrett, that the Gentlemen attending
might put his Name to the same; but that he never saw the said
Petition, or was acquainted with the Language thereof, or was
otherwise privy or assenting to the same. And then he was ordered
to withdraw
Then the House came to the following Resolutions
Resolved, That M.r John Smith has given sufficient Satisfaction
to this House, that he did not sign the said Petition, or was privy
or assenting to the same.
Resolved, That M.r John Smith misbehaved himself to the Officer
of this House at the Time of the Service of the Order on him, and
that therefor he be reprimanded
Ordered, That M.r Speaker reprimand him. M.r Speaker repri-
manded him accordingly
Ordered, That he be discharged; and that M.r Speaker acquaint
him therewith
Resolved, That M.r John Purviance has given sufficient Satis-
faction to this House that he did not sign the said Petition or was
privy or assenting to the same
Ordered, That he be discharged
Resolved, That M.r James Sterritt has given sufficient Satisfaction
to this House that he did not sign the said Petition.
Ordered, That he be discharged
M.r Speaker communicated to the House a Letter, to him directed,
which was ordered to be read; and the same was read accordingly,
and is as follows.
An Officer of the Lower House of Assembly the other Day sum-
moned sundry Gentlemen of this Town to appear before that House
to answer as he said, a Petition preferred to the Upper House of