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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1769-1770
Volume 62, Page 266   View pdf image (33K)
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266 Assembly Proceedings, September 25-November 2, 1770.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Oct. 19

The Order of the Day for taking into Consideration the several
Papers communicated by his Excellency being read Ordered, That
Lord Botetourt's Letter be read and the same was read accordingly
Upon reading the Order of the Day relative to that Part of the
Governor's Speech recommending to this Province to join the Colony
of Virginia in erecting and supporting a Light House upon Cape
Henry the Matter was taken into Consideration and the House
came to the following Resolutions
Resolved, That the erecting and supporting a Light House upon
Cape Henry will be of great Utility in securing the Trade of the
Colony of Virginia and of this Province
Resolved, That whenever this House shall be informed of any
Plan proposed by the Colony of Virginia for such Building and an
Estimate of the Expence thereof they will take such Plan and Esti-
mate into Consideration and join the said Colony in erecting and
supporting such Building so far as it may be judged reasonable for
this Province to concur therein
Resolved, That the Speaker of the House of Burgesses of Vir-
ginia be requested to inform this House of the exact Quantity of the
Tonnage of all Vessels as well Country Bottoms as others entring
and trading into the several Ports and Places within that Colony
from any other Colony or Place except this Province and that the
Governor be addressed to order to be laid before this House an exact
Account of the Quantity of Tonnage of all Vessels as well Country
Bottoms as others entering and trading into this Province from any
Colony or Place other than Virginia that the same may be trans-
mitted to the House of Burgesses of that Colony
Ordered, That M.r Speaker inclose a Copy of these Resolutions to
the Speaker of the House of Burgesses of Virginia and request him
to lay the same before that House at their next Meeting
George Steuart Esq from the Upper House delivers to M.r
Speaker the Petition of Nehemiah Tilghman and Solomon Town-
send, and the Petition of Isaac Murray together with several other
Papers — Which were ordered to lie on the Table
M.r Gale hath Leave of Absence

p. 111

Ordered, That the several Papers communicated by his Excellency
relative to Indian Affairs be read; and the same were read accord-
Upon reading the Papers relative to Indian Affairs laid before this
House by the Governor at the Opening of this Session the same were
taken into Consideration and the House came to the following

Resolved, That this House not having received a direct Notifica-
tion of his Majesty's gracious Intentions to commit the Regulation
and Management of the Indian Trade to the Colonies and judging

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1769-1770
Volume 62, Page 266   View pdf image (33K)
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