U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Dec. 15
in Queen Anns County, and Saint Pauls Parish, lying partly in
Queen Anns, and partly in Talbot Counties
Mess.rs Graham and Several others bring up an Engrossed Bill,
Entitled an Act for Emitting Bills of Credit, and other Purposes
therein Mentioned — Read and Assented to by the Lower House of
The Journal of Accounts together with the following Message is
Sent by George Steuart Esq.
By the Upper House of Assembly 15.th of December 1769.
In November Session 1766, when the last Journal of Accounts
that Passed came into this House, it was returned with a Negative,
because, among other Reasons, no Allowance was made therein to
the late Governor for the Seals to Proclamations for the Purpose
of notifying, to the People of this Province, Several Acts of Parlia-
ment relative to the British Colonies, or to the late Printer for Print-
ing those Acts — In the present Journal there is the same Omission,
as well as no Allowance made to the present Governor or Printer
for a similar Claim, The first Reason assigned, at the above Session,
upon the Conferrence that then took place, by the Conferrees of the
Lower House, for not allowing the Claims of the late Governor and
Printer, was, because the Publication of Acts of Parliament in this
Province by Proclamation was without Precedent, to which the Con-
ferrees of this House were instructed to Answer, that since it was
alledged that the Publication of Acts of Parliament in this Province
by Proclamation was without Precedent, and inasmuch as the Neces-
sity of a Speedy Conclusion on the Business of the Journal would
not admit of a full Enquiry into Precedents, this House were willing
to refer the Consideration of the Matter to a future Session.
Upon the coming up of the Journal this Session, we made Search
for and have found some Precedents on the Subject, but as it might
be inconvenient at this Season to Enter into a full Examination
thereof, so we are willing that the Consideration of the above Claims
may be referred to a future Session, if you are averse from making
the Allowance now
p. 429
We further observe that you have not made the usual Allowance
to the Clerk of the Council, and therefore cannot Pass the Journal
of Accounts as it now Stands, but if you shall think Proper to make
a Provision for his eventual Payment, in the same manner as was
done in November Session 1766, We shall give Our Assent to the
Passage thereof
Signed by Order U Scott Cl. Up. ho.
Mess.rs Hall and Steele bring up a Bill, Entitled an Additional
Supplementary Act to the Act entitled an Act for amending the Staple