If the Upper House of Assembly has no other Objection to passing
the aforesaid Journal, than their just Consideration of my Right
and Interest therein, It is my desire that the Harmony of the Session
may not at this time be broke in upon by an Assertion thereof — Yet
let it not be understood that, by this, they or I give up the indubitable
Right of my Self or my Successors, I only mean now to wa[i]ve it on
my own Behalf.
I am Gentlemen
Your most Obedient and very
humble Servant.
Rob.t Eden
The honble Upper House of Assembly.
Mess.rs Johnson and Buchanan bring up a Bill, Entitled a Supple-
mentary Act to the Act Entitled an Act for the Direction of Sheriffs
in their Offices, and restraining their ill Practices within this Prov-
ince — Read the first and Second time in the Lower House, and will
Pass — Read the first time in this House, and ordered to lye on the
Adjourned until 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon.
Post Meridiem.
This House met again according to Adjournment.
Present as in the Morning.
Mess.rs Lucket and Heugh bring up a Bill, Entitled an Act to
appropriate the half Acre of Ground, therein Mentioned, to the Use
of the Public School in Frederick County, Read the first and Second
time in the Lower House and will Pass. Read the first and Second
time, by an Especial Order, in this House, and will Pass — So En-
dorsed & Sent by Daniel Dulany Esq.
Read the Second time, by an Especial Order in this House, the
Bill Entitled a Supplementary Act to An Act Entitled an Act for the
Direction of Sheriffs in their Offices, and restraining their ill Prac-
tices within this Province, and will Pass with the following Amend-
ments Strike out all that follows after the Word "Suit" in the Second
line of the last Page — Sent by Daniel Dulany Esq.
Mess.rs Holliday and Wright bring up the following Engrossed
Bills, Read and Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Dec. 15
A Bill Entitled An Act to enable the Justices of Queen Anns
County Court, for the time being, to Levy on the Taxable Inhabitants
of Saint Lukes Parish, in the said County, a Quantity of Tobacco
for building a Chapel in the said Parish.
A Bill Entitled a Supplementary Act to the Act entitled an Act for
laying out anew, and settling and ascertaining the future Bounds
and Limits of Saint Lukes, Christs Church, and Saint John's Parishes
p. 428